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I have a few questions actually, I think I understand the locations in Black 2 and White 2. If there's something complicated about them though feel free to give me a heads up. Anyway, got my questions in a nice little list.

The 10 days to get there before people start leaving, is it by the ds clock or by the grace of god the time played? Kinda assume the former but I'm hopeful.

Is the size permanent, or does it actually get bigger if you bring in more people?

With bringing in more people, does it actually take the away from their white forest/ black city?

Is there a limit to how many can be brought over? Also curious how it looks, gonna be my first time getting to either, playing both Black and White.

Do the 10 that are there cycle with those that can possibly be there? Or, and I'm kinda dreading this, does it give you 10 and those are your 10 until you let someone leave.

How many are there if you make it without losing anyone? Kinda goes along with the question above.

Is there a limit to how many can be brought in per day or anything?

Would you be able to fill an empty city/ forest if you have the opposite game no matter what? like say both games had an empty forest and city, would using entralink show you 10 people to recruit?

Any other tips or tricks I should know? Like on Bulbapedia for White Forest it says "NPCs that have left will be visible to other players in Entralink. If this area becomes full, no more will leave, even if their score reaches zero." Which I'm taking to mean if you fill your white forest none will leave. I may be misinterpreting that though.

Thank you. These are actually my questions after going through bulbapedia and serebii
No offense but this question list is far too long to answer in 1 time.

1 Answer

–2 votes

Black City

In Pokémon Black, Black City's population changes with time. The appearance of Black City alters with the number of varying Trainers residing there. When the player enters the city for the very first time, the total number of varying Trainers is determined by the number of days it took the player to reach Black City, decreasing as time goes by. The number of overall residents can vary between 12 (minimum occupancy, at which residents only exist in the Pokémon Center and gates) and 45 (maximum occupancy), 12 of them being Trainers at the maximum (including the two Trainers inside the marketplace, both of whom can only be battled once). In addition to the visual changes, the city's market will sell items to the player at inflated prices, dependent on which varying Trainers are in the city. The items are rare, with most being either Evolution stones or valuable items.

White Forest

The appearance of White Forest is dependent on the number of people currently residing there. When the player enters the forest for the very first time, the total number of residents is determined by the number of days it took the player to reach White Forest. The number of residents can be between 0 (low occupancy) and 10 (maximum occupancy). In addition to visual changes, some wild Pokémon will only appear with a certain resident.


This doesn't completely answer the question. The asker already knows that the number of trainers depends on the number of days and is asking about whether that's measured by the DS clock or in-game time.