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if it becomes stronger and evolves into lucario will it become a special attacker?

Legit have you never played Pokémon before?
Stats are influenced by base stats, EVs, IVs, and nature. Riolu has a much higher base stat in Attack than Special Attack (70 vs 35), so that is probably why its Attack is higher. Lucario has roughly equal base stats in Attack and Special Attack (110 and 115), so its stats should be similar after evolution.
sorry because in my entire life i didnt care about natures and didnt figure em out, sorry im currently playing black 2 sorry for the question and thank yoj

1 Answer

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Best answer

Taking a glance at Riolu's stats, it has a significantly better Attack stat than its Special Attack stat. As a result, even with an Attack IV of 0 and a Special Attack IV of 31, only a Riolu below Level 10 can ever have a higher Special Attack stat, assuming there is no EV training. Once Riolu hits Level 10, its Attack will be higher. Now, let's look at Lucario's stats:
That Attack and Special Attack are roughly even, but Lucario's Special Attack will be naturally higher. Since your Riolu is Modest, as a Lucario its Special Attack will noticeably be higher upon evolution.

So to summarize: Unless you're KOing Gyarados for Attack EVs and spending the other EVs in other stats except for Special Attack, your Riolu's Special Attack will become much higher on evolution.

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