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I am fairly new to the tcg, but I have a couple of Pokemon detective pikachu cards and have noticed a couple of my holo cards have a silver star next to the number. I know that a star means rare, but have only seen solid black ones not holo silver.

This Charizard (Detective Pikachu 005) is an example of a card with the silver star next to its number.


edited by
@blackace yes that's it.
Also *She*
I updated the question to ensure it's fine. I did some research, and it seems the silver star bears a consistent rarity across different expansions, but I couldn't explain why this sometimes indicates a GX card and sometimes doesn't.
Thank you, I guess it's a thing for the detective pikachu cards?
The star represents a rare card. Usually when a card has a higher rarity than other rare cards (like a regular rare card vs an EX, GX, etc.) the star is silver. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure why they do this, but I think it has something to do with a card being very rare or special. Hope this helped! :)

1 Answer

2 votes

This is an old question and it was answered in the comments, but I just wanted to weigh in.

The promo detective pikachu tcg cards are their own subset. The super rare cards have a silver star, and the regular rare cards have a black star (or circle, for commons).

~ Rio
