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So I'm at the elite four in my sapphire run, and I've ground up my entire team to at least level 50, with a couple being higher-levelled.

How much more grinding should I do before I take on the elite four?

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5 Answers

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In my experience, I would say that all the Pokemon should be at least level 55. At that point, battle the Elite Four and see how powerful they are compared to you. If the level 55s don't win, get them all to level 60 and try again. You could just get to level 60 to beat them, but at least trying it at level 55 will save you time. I have used this strategy many times, and it has never failed me.

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As long as you have a well-rounded team and use super effective moves, any level from 50-60 usually works, but I usually train my Pokémon to levels 65-70 for increased stats and a distinct advantage against the Pokémon League's Pokémon. I'd definitely do this with Sableye, Hariyama, and Swellow, and maybe the other three as well. I'd recommend using strategic held items (leftovers are a popular choice) as well. I'd also recommend putting a fire type on your team.

The Pokemon League uses exactly 6 Pokemon that are weak to fire and 7 Pokemon that know either surf, earthquake, or rock slide. I don't think any fire Pokemon are worth using in this situation. Also leftovers is unobtainable before defeating the champion. (unless you trade one to your game)
There are plenty of other held items besides the leftovers; I was just using that as an example. I've never played the original Sapphire, but I remember Groudon's Eruption being useful against a few of Alpha Sapphire's Elite 4 Pokémon as well as one or two of the Champion's. A strong fire type could be useful, which is why I recommended it.
Do you know of any strong fire Pokemon? The only one I know is Blaziken, but the steam person chose Mudkip.
I have a vulpix but I REALLY don't feel like I need it, and I'm playing sapphire version, so no groudon.
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You should be fine, as long as you bring a couple hyper-potions, revives, and ethers. I beat them with lvl 60 Groudon, lvl 65 Crobat, lvl 41 manectric, lvl 42 Aggron, lvl 60 Blaiziken, and lvl 49 Gyrados. If you haven't battled them before though, battle a few times without wasting potions, revives, etc., to familiarize yourself.

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Level 50-60 is good enough for the E4, infact I've beaten the Hoenn E4 so many times with level 45-50 Pokemon on my team, you just need to make sure you give them the right movesets and investments. Hopefully, this helps :)

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Level 41 works good enough

The average level of my Pokémon when I beat Steven was lv41.
It all depends on how hard you want to try. I went into the elite four with a level 40 swampert, breloom, mancentric, skarmory, lv42 aggron and lv 45 Kyogre. If you go in with less than level 45 Pokémon be prepared to buy a lot of resources. I bought 25 hyper potions and revives. It’s possible to beat the elite four with this low level of Pokémon if you have a couple strong Pokémon for each member. The Strategy is to use your Pokémon that are strong against the member first and once they all die use the rest of your team as decoys while you revive and heal the rest of your team. For example: on the ice member I used aggron on the glalies and mancentric with thunder on sealeo and Walrein. Once they died I would send in swampert and Kyogre to not actually attack but let me revive and heal aggron and mancentric to repeat the cycle. Breloom was fast and hit hard enough if I ever needed a quick finish I could send him in. I saved after each elite 4 member and had to redo each member a few times by exiting the game until I optimized my path to beat each member with the least amount of resources. You can use this strategy with any decent team if you strategize and buy enough potions and revives lol.
