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2 Answers

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Moves that can increase the user's accuracy
Hone Claws

/ds8 acupressure, baton pass, all:
Croagunk, Inkay, Malamar, Toxicroak

/ds8 coil, baton pass, all:

/ds8 gravity, baton pass, all:
Clefable, Clefairy, Diancie, Jigglypuff, Jirachi, Lunatone, Mew, Munna, Musharna, Solrock, Wigglytuff

/ds8 hone claws, baton pass, all:
Absol, Blaziken, Combusken, Durant, Hawlucha, Latias, Latios, Liepard, Mew, Mienfoo, Mienshao, Nickit, Ninjask, Perrserker, Purrloin, Shedinja, Thievul, Torchic

Showdown commands

You can also increase accuracy with items like the X Accuracy and Wide Lens. For a list of these, please refer to Bulbapedia.

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Also note that gravity is a field effect, so it stays effective if you switch without using baton pass. You can also use it in doubles to boost every Pokemon's accuracy.
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While I can't answer generally with regard to accuracy, I used the site's Moveset Searcher to check Baton Pass and Hone Claws. It returned Purrlion/Liepard, Hawlucha, Nickit/Theivul, and Perrsurker (which likely includes Galarian Meowth) as having access to both moves.

You can use the Moveset Searcher to check any combination of moves, and it will check all Pokemon for the desired moves. Set Baton Pass in one box, and then cycle through the various moves that raise Accuracy in the second slot.
