I would really like to include Darmanitan in my party, but i don't know who to replace him with...
My party:
Zoroark lv66,
nature: Adamant,
Knows Foul play,
Night daze,
Sucker punch,
Focus blast
Volcarona lv66,
nature: Sassy,
Fire blast,
Heat wave,
Escavalier lv66,
nature: Sassy,
Aerial ace,
Focus blast,
Energy ball
Bisharp lv66,
nature: Impish,
Night slash,
Stone edge,
Iron head,
Focus blast
Elektross lv68,
nature: Impish,
Grass knot,
Wild charge,
Brick break
Hydreigon lv67,
nature: Hardy,
Hyper voice,
Dragon rush,
Draco meteor,
Should i have a Darmanitan in my party? if so, which one should be replaced?? Any help would be appreciated