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Eg. Florges is the only Pokemon with 552 and Archeops is the only Pokemon with 567.

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1 Answer

5 votes
Best answer

Hello! Here are all of the Pokémon with unique BSTs -

Wishiwashi - 175
Snom - 185
Azurill - 190
Kricketot - 194
Ralts - 198
Spewpa - 213
Cleffa - 218
Burmy - 224
Wimpod - 230
Shedninja - 236
Toxel - 242
Combee - 244
Pidgey - 251
Lechonk - 254
Shinx - 263
Pidove - 264
Nincada - 266
Tadbulb - 272
Nidoran♂ - 273
Purrloin - 281
Chewtle - 284
Helioptile - 289
Tinkatink - 297
Gulpin - 302
Binacle - 306
Fennekin - 307
Fidough - 312
Chespin - 313
Joltik - 319
Unown - 336
Crabrawler - 338
Pidgeotto - 349
Krokorok - 351
Dolliv - 354
Tranquill - 358
Luxio - 363
Litleo - 369
Floette - 371
Nosepass - 375
Fletchinder - 382
Archen - 401
Spidops - 404
Braxien - 409
Squawkabilly (All) - 417
Emolga - 428
Dedenne - 431
Fearow - 442
Audino - 445
Liepard - 446
Ninjask - 456
Palafin-Zero - 457
Maractus - 461
Aromatisse - 462
Swalot - 467
Swanna - 473
Dachsbun - 477
Zebstrika - 497
Talonflame - 499
Cyclizar - 501
Tinkaton - 506
Seismitoad - 509
Avalugg - 514
Dhelmise - 517
Krookodile - 519
Luxray - 523
Gogoat - 531
Florges - 552
Mega Absol - 565
Archeops - 567
Mega Manetric - 575
Mega Pidgeot 579
Mega Abomasnow - 594
Mega Aerodactyl - 615
Wishiwashi (School Form) - 620
Mega Swampert - 635
Palafin-Hero: 650
Kyurem - 660
Eternatus - 690
Zygarde Complete - 708
Ultra Necrozma - 754
Eternamax Eternatus - 1125

My Computer probably thinks I'm a terrible speller now lol.

I hope I helped!


Also this is counting forms, too (for example, I didn't count Farfetch'd and Galarian Farfetch'd). Please let me know if you want to ignore forms, and I will do so.

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Did you compare every single Pokemon using that list? lol
Yeah lol
I organized it by "Total" and went through all of the Pokémon