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E.g kirlia gives 2 spatk evs while gallade gives 3 atk evs.
This does not include Pokemon that such as charmander which gives 1 speed ev and charmeleon which still gives the speed ev but gains a spatk ev and charizard who loses the speed ev and instead only gives 3 spatk evs.

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What are you talking about?
@ProfDelldell he means that every Pokemon when defeated gives out EV's. Example, when defeated Kirlia gives away 2 Special Attack EV's to every Pokemon that gains Experience Points. What he wants to know is what Pokemon from the same evolutionary line gives out different EV's when defeated. Am I wrong?

2 Answers

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Best answer

-Caterpie gives 1 HP. Metapod gives 2 Defense and Butterfree gives 2 Special Attack and 1 Special Defense.
-Weedle gives 1 Speed. Kakuna gives 2 Defense. Beedrill gives 2 Attack and 1 Special Defense.
- Venonat gives 1 SpD. Venomoth Gives 1 SpA and Spd.
- Alolan Diglett gives 1 Speed EV. Alolan Dugtrio gives 2 Attack EVs.
- Poliwag/whirl give 1 and 2 Spd. Poliwrath gives 3 Def. Likewise, Politoed gives 3 SpD.
- Both forms of Slowpoke give 1 HP. Both forms of Slowbro give 2 Defense. Likewise, Slowking gives 3 Special Defense.
- Exeggcute gives 1 Def. Exeggutor(both forms) gives 2 Special Attack.
- Tyrogue gives 1 Attack. Hitmonchan gives 2 Special Defense. So does Hitmontop.
- Rhyhorn gives 1 Defense. Rhydon gives 2 Attack.
- Galarian Mr. Rime gives 2 Spd. Mr. Rime gives 3 Special Attack.
- Electabuzz gives 2 Speed. Electivire gives 3 Attack.
- Magby gives 1 Speed. Magmar gives 2 SpA.
- Magikarp gives 1 Spd. Gyarados gives 2 Attack.
- Eevee gives 1 SpD. Vaporeon gives 2 HP. Jolteon gives 2 Speed. Flareon gives 2 Attack. Espeon and Glaceon gives 2 SpA. Leafeon gives 2 Defense.
- Kabuto gives 1 Defense. Kabutops gives 2 Attack.
- Sentret gives 1 Attack. Furret gives 2 Speed.
- Cleffa gives 1 SpD. Clefairy gives 2 HP
- Gloom gives 2 Special Attack. Bellossom gives 3 SpD.
- Hoppip gives 1 SpD. Skiploom gives 2 Speed.
- Yanma gives 1 Spd. Yanmega gives 2 Attack.
- Murkrow gives 1 Speed. Honchkrow gives 2 Attack.
- Slugma gives 1 Special Attack. Macargo gives 2 Defense.
- Galarian Corsola gives 1 SpD. CUrsola gives 2 SpA.
- Phanpy gives 1 HP. Donphan gives 1 Attack and 1 Defense.
- Galarian Linoone gives 2 Spd. Obstagoon gives 3 Defense.
- Wurmple gives 1 HP. Silicoon and Cascoon give 2 Defense. Beautifly gives 3 SpA. Dustox gives 3 SpD.
- Seedot gives 1 Def. Nuzleaf gives 2 Attack
- Wingull gives 1 Speed. Pelipper 2 Defense.
- Kirlia 2 Spd. Gallade 3 Attack.
- Surskit 1 Spd. Masquerain gives 1 SpA and 1 SpD.
- Shroomish 1 HP. Breloom 2 Attack.
- Slakoth and Slakoth give 1 and 3 HP. Vigoroth gives 2 Speed.
- Nincada gives 1 Defense. Ninjask gives 2 Speed. Shedinja gives 2 HP???
- Feebas gives 1 Spd. Milotic gives 2 Special Defense.
- Snorunt 1 HP. Froslass gives 2 Speed.
- Clampearl gives 1 Defense. Gorebyss gives 2 SpA.
- Bagon and Salamence give 1 and 3 Attack. Shelgon gives 2 Defense.
- Staravia gives 2 Speed. Staraptor gives 3 Attack.
- Bidoof Gives 1 HP. Bibarel gives 2 Attack.
- Kricketot gives 1 Defense. Kricketune gives 2 Attack.
- Burmy gives 1 SpD. Wormadam Sandy Cloak gives 2 Def. Mothim gives 1 Attack and 1 Special Attack
- Combee gives 1 Speed. Vespiqueen gives 1 Defense and SpD.
- Stunky gives 1 Speed. Skuntank gives 2 HP.
- Tepig gives 1 HP. Pignite gives 2 Attack.
- Tympole gives 1 Speed. Palpitoad gives 2 HP.
- Swadaloon gives 2 Defense. Leavanny gives 3 Attack.
- Whiripede gives 2 Defense. Scolipede gives 3 Speed.
- Darmuka gives 1 Attack. Zen Mode Darmanitan gives 2 SpA. Same with Galarian Forms.
- Scraggy gives 1 Atk. Scrafty gives 1 Def. And SpD.
- Trubbish gives 1 Speed. Garbodor gives 2 Attack.
- Ducklett gives 1 HP. Swanna gives 2 Speed.
- Deerling gives 1 Speed. Sawsbuck gives 2 Attack.
- Tynamo gives 1 Speed. Eelectrik gives 2 Attack. On
- Shelmet gives 1 Defense. Accelgor gives 2 Speed
- Vullaby gives 1 Defense. Mandibuzz gives 2 SpA.
- Zwelious gives 2 Attack. Hydreigon gives 3 Special Attack.
- Larvesta gives 1 Attack. Volcarona gives 3 Special Attack.
- Bunnelby gives 1 Speed. Diggersby gives 2 HP.
- Spewpa gives out 2 Defense. Vivillion gives 1 HP, SpA and Spd.
- Doublade gives 2 Defense. Aegislash Blade Form gives 2 Attack and 1 Special Attack.
- Dartrix gives 2 HP. Decidueye gives 3 Attack.
- Torracat gives 2 Speed. Incineroar gives 3 Attack.
- Grubbin gives 1 Attack. Charjabug gives 2 Defense. Vikavolt gives 3 Special Attack.
- Bounsweet gives 1 HP. Steenee gives 2 Speed. Tsareena gives 3 Attack.
- Wimpod gives 1 Speed. Golisopod gives 2 Defense.
- Cosmog gives 1 HP. Cosmoem gives 1 Defense and Special Defense. Solgaleo gives 3 Attack. Lunala gives 3 Special Attack.
- Poipole gives 1 Speed. Naganadel gives 3 Special Attack.
- Sobble gives 1 Special Defense and Speed. Drizzile gives 2 Special Attack. Inteleon gives 3 Speed.
- Corvisquire gives 2 Speed. Corviknight gives 3 Defense.
- Yamper gives 1 HP. Boltund gives 2 Speed.
- Applin gives 1 Defense. Flapple gives 2 Attack. Appletun gives 2 HP.
- Morgrem gives 2 Special Attack. Grimmsnarl gives 3 Attack.
That's it. To be honest, I wasn't expecting this many.
Source: https://pokemondb.net/ev/all
And the occasional Bulpapedia Page.

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I don't understand how people like you can spend all this time checking every evolutionary line for EV's. There's nothing wrong with it but I just don't have the sanity to answer a question as long as this one.
It's called, what I do to keep myself busy on a free morning when I have nothing else to do.  XD
0 votes

Here is the list:
I do not take account for Regional forms into their normal forms
I don't take account legendaries too
- Caterpie 1Hp|Metapod 2 Def|Butterfree 2 SpA 1 SpD
- The Hitmons except Hitmonlee- Hitmonlee 2 Atk| Hitmonchan 2SpD| Hitmontop 2 SpD
- Most of the eeveelutions except Umbreon and Sylveon- Vaporeon 2 HP| Jolteon 2 Spd| Flareon 2 Atk| Espeon 2 SpA| Umbreon 2 SpD| Leafeon 2 Def| Glaceon 2 SpA| Sylveon 2 SpD| Eevee 1 SpD
- Magikarp 1 Spd| Gyarados 2 Atk
- Seedot 1 Def| Nuzleaf 1 Atk
- Wingull 1 Spd| Peliper 2 Def
- Nincanda 1 Def| Shedninga 2 HP| Ninjask 2 SpD
- Tympole 1 Spd| Palpitoad 2 Hp
- Scraggy 1 Atk| Scrafty 1 Def
- Trubbish 1 Spd| Garbodor 2 Atk
- Shelmet 1 Def| Accelgor 2 SpD
- Vullaby 1 Def| Mandibuzz 2 SpD
- Zwelious 2 Atk| Hydreigon 3 SpA
- Bunnelby 1 Spd| Diggersby 2 Def
- All the Alola startlers except Primarina, Datrix 2 Hp| Decidueye 2 Atk, Torracat Spd 2| Incineroar Atk 2
- Grubbin 1 Atk| Chargabug 2 Def| Vikavolt 3 SpA
- Steenee 2 Spd| Tsareena 3 Atk
- Covisquire 2 SpD| Corviknight 3 Atk
- Yamper 1 HP| Boltund 2 SpD
- Applin 1 Def| Flapple 2 Atk| Appletun 2 Def

So I don't really know what you mean so here is the full answer.
Source: Bulbapedia

I hoped I've helped!
