PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
2 votes

Hi, sorry for the insane question lol

I want to complete the Pokedex in UM but I have no idea where to start, because I don't know the gen 7 Pokemon, how the evolve, or their encounter percentages.

I couldn't find an easy to read list/guide online, so if anyone could find/make one of all available Pokemon per route and encounter rate and method, that would be highly appreciated!

also i am so sorry in advance to whoever answers this. thank u
Can't you just look up routes on Bulbapedia? They're clear, and if you have any trouble, just look on the actual page for that Pokemon for specifics.
I mean, i probably could, but it's a pain to have to go back and fourth between pages if i could potentially just have one big list here, y'know?
Yeah, that's fair. Do you only want routes, or every location Pokemon can be found? Like for instance, do you want Ten Carat Hill and Malie Garden to be included?
preferably every pokemon location please, although since it's a big request i won't be too picky about the details
You're right, this question will be a lot of work.
Lol imma have fun answering this, I'm sure.
My God!!
I think I would create a table in MS Word, then paste it here. Do you want day and night encounter percent and allies?
yes please @swastik
lol well I'm not going to finish this docs in time I don't think
Give me one year. Its very difficult, I have done till now only Route 1. I wonder creating it will take more time, or doing a complete playthrough of it.
take your time, lol. thanks!
I really don't understand why you need this to begin with. You can find an ordered list of Pokemon in the dex online, so you can just play through the game and then check locations each time you see something is missing in your dex. The game itself even gives you habitat lists for Pokemon you've seen.
The answer would save you the trouble clicking through Pokedex pages, but truly all you're doing is making somebody else do all the work for you.
I wish I could upvote a comment.
I don’t mind doing it since it gives me something to do. :)
i would just search up the route on here, bulba, or serebii and it will tell u everything
C'mon my friend!!
The answer of this question appears pretty long.
But I'm sure [this][1] explains better than I could.

  [1]: https://pokemondb.net/location#tab-alola
Oh! nooooooooooo!!!!
Hid my answer for sake!!!
I didn't do anything
Yeah! I know who done it!!
Does it really matter that your answer was hidden?
What do you mean?
Tell me if I'm wrong, but to me it seems like you're complaining about your answer being hidden.
Why? It was me who hid my answer.
Ah, seems I'm mistaken, then. My apologies.
I am more confused than ever but okay
I hid it 'cause I'm afraid I'll get more downvotes!!!
My friend, try finding the answer yourself!! It's pretty easier than you think.
Ass8666, i actually already completed the pokedex. I didn't close this question because people already started making lists and answering it, and others may also want a big list in one place too. if you don't like my question, you don't have to answer it....
There's already such a list in this site.
Re flag: I'm going to allow this now, because I'm concerned people are working on it believing that it will stay up. However, if this question was asked today, I would remove it.
Honestly fizz, i would've removed it well over a month ago but i didn't because i thought people were working on it too. If you want to close it, feel free
NO! Don't close it! I made a list, and it took FOREVER! And now I have to wait! SO pls! Don't close it!

3 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

I'm only including Pokémon in Ultra Moon. I'm not including Island Scan Pokémon or Pokémon from Ultra Wormholes, but I am listing Pokémon that are called by a different species in SOS battles (such as Pichu calling Pikachu or Corsola calling Mareanie). Some locations on Route 5 have three question marks, which is because the exact location wasn't specified on my source.

My source for everything: Bulbapedia

ER = Encounter Rate

Route 1
First two fields of grass east of the player's house: Caterpie (10% ER), Alolan Rattata (20% ER only during the night), Ledyba (20% ER only during the day), Spinarak (20% ER only during the night), Pichu (5% ER, can call Pikachu and Happiny), Buneary (10% ER), Pikipek (20% ER), Yungoos (20% ER only during the day), Grubbin (15% ER)
Field of grass overlooking the bay: Caterpie (10% ER), Alolan Rattata (20% ER only during the night), Ledyba (20% ER only during the day), Spinarak (20% ER only during the night), Pichu (5% ER, can call Pikachu and Happiny), Buneary (10% ER), Pikipek (20% ER), Yungoos (20% ER only during the day), Grubbin (15% ER)
Two fields of grass nearest Iki Town and field of grass on western path: Caterpie (35% ER), Alolan Rattata (35% ER only during the night), Buneary (30% ER), Yungoos (35% ER only during the day)
On the path south of Iki Town blocked by rocks: Alolan Rattata (20% ER only during the night), Bonsly (30% ER, can call Sudowoodo and Happiny), Munchlax (10% ER, can call Snorlax and Happiny), Pikipek (20% ER), Yungoos (20% ER only during the day), Rockruff (20% ER)

Hau'oli Outskirts
Grass: Slowpoke (20% ER), Wingull (50% ER), Inkay (30% ER)
Surfing: Tentacool (40% ER), Wingull (20% ER), Mantyke (20% ER, can call Remoraid), Finneon (20% ER)

Melemele Sea
Surfing: Tentacool (40% ER), Wingull (20% ER), Mantyke (20% ER, can call Remoraid), Finneon (20% ER)
Fishing: Magikarp (25% ER, can call Gyarados), Corsola (5% ER, can call Mareanie), Remoraid (15% ER, can call Octillery), Clamperl (5% ER during the day, can call Gorebyss, 5% ER during the night, can call Huntail), Luvdisc (25% ER), Wishiwashi (25% ER)
Fishing at a bubbling spot (Route 1 side): Magikarp (15% ER, can call Gyarados), Corsola (5% ER during the day, can call Mareanie, 20% ER during the night, can call Mareanie), Remoraid (15% ER, can call Octillery), Clamperl (35% ER during the day, can call Gorebyss, 20% ER during the night, can call Huntail), Luvdisc (15% ER), Wishiwashi (15% ER)
Fishing at a bubbling spot (Hau'oli City side): Magikarp (15% ER, can call Gyarados), Corsola (35% ER, can call Mareanie), Remoraid (15% ER, can call Octillery), Clamperl (5% ER during the day, can call Gorebyss, 5% ER during the night, can call Huntail), Luvdisc (15% ER), Wishiwashi (15% ER)

Ten Carat Hill: Cave and ocean cave
Walking: Zubat (20% ER), Psyduck (10% ER), Mawile (30% ER), Roggenrola (20% ER), Carbink (20% ER, can call Sableye)
Surfing: Zubat (95% ER), Psyduck (5% ER)

Ten Carat Hill: Farthest Hollow
Grass: Machop (30% ER), Spinda (30% ER), Roggenrola (10% ER), Carbink (10% ER), Rockruff (20% ER)

Hau'oli City: Beachfront
Surfing: Tentacool (40% ER), Wingull (20% ER), Finneon (20% ER), Mantyke (20% ER, can call Remoraid)

Hau'oli City: Shopping District
Two fields of grass nearest Marina: Alolan Meowth (10% ER), Abra (10% ER), Magnemite (10% ER), Alolan Grimer (5% ER), Wingull (40% ER), Mime Jr. (10% ER, can call Mr. Mime and Happiny), Furfrou (15% ER)
Two fields of grass nearest City Hall: Alolan Meowth (10% ER), Abra (20% ER), Magnemite (10% ER), Alolan Grimer (10% ER), Wingull (5% ER), Mime Jr. (20% ER, can call Mr. Mime and Happiny), Furfrou (20% ER)

Trainers' School
Grass: Alolan Meowth (50% ER), Magnemite (10% ER), Alolan Grimer (10% ER), Zorua (30% ER)

Route 2
Three southernmost fields of grass: Alolan Rattata (10% ER only during the night), Ekans (20% ER), Alolan Meowth (10% ER), Abra (10% ER), Drowzee (10% ER during the day and 20% ER during the night), Smeargle (10% ER), Makuhita (20% ER during the day and 10% ER during the night), Furfrou (10% ER), Yungoos (10% ER only during the day)
Two fields of grass southwest of the Pokémon Center: Alolan Rattata (10% ER only during the night), Spearow (10% ER), Ekans (20% ER), Growlithe (10% ER), Drowzee (10% ER during the day and 20% ER during the night), Smeargle (10% ER), Makuhita (20% ER during the day and 10% ER during the night), Yungoos (10% ER only during the day), Cutiefly (10% ER)
Northernmost field of grass: Alolan Rattata (20% ER only during the night), Spearow (30% ER), Growlithe (10% ER), Smeargle (10% ER), Yungoos (20% ER only during the day), Cutiefly (30% ER)
Ambush encounters: Ekans (50% ER), Drowzee (5% ER during the day and 30% ER during the night), Dunsparce (15% ER), Makuhita (30% ER during the day and 5% ER during the night)
Pile of Berries by Berry tree: Crabrawler (100% ER)

Hau'oli Cemetery
Grass: Zubat (20% ER), Gastly (40% ER), Murkrow (40% ER only during the night), Drifloon (40% ER only during the day)

Verdant Cavern
Walking: Zubat (35% ER), Alolan Diglett (35% ER), Noibat (30% ER)
Ambush encounters: Alolan Rattata (100% ER)

Sandy Cave
Walking: Zubat (70% ER), Psyduck (30% ER)
Surfing: Zubat (70% ER), Psyduck (30% ER)

Route 3
Two fields of grass north of bridge: Spearow (30% ER), Mankey (30% ER), Hawlucha (10% ER), Cutiefly (30% ER)
Field of grass south of bridge: Spearow (29% ER), Mankey (30% ER), Bagon (1% ER), Hawlucha (10% ER), Cutiefly (30% ER)
Ambush encounters: Spearow (70% ER), Vullaby (30% ER,)
Pile of Berries by Berry tree: Crabrawler (100% ER)

Melemele Meadow
Yellow flowers: Caterpie (10% ER, can call Butterfree), Metapod (9% ER, can call Caterpie and Butterfree), Butterfree (1% ER), Petilil (20% ER), Flabébé (20% ER), Pom-Pom Style Oricorio (20% ER), Cutiefly (20% ER)

Seaward Cave
Walking: Zubat (20% ER), Psyduck (30% ER), Delibird (20% ER), Smoochum (30% ER, can call Jynx and Happiny)
Surfing: Zubat (55% ER), Psyduck (5% ER, can call Zubat), Seel (30% ER), Delibird (10% ER)
Fishing: Magikarp (90% ER, can call Gyarados), Barboach (10% ER, can call Whiscash)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (40% ER, can call Gyarados), Barboach (60% ER, can call Whiscash)

Kala'e Bay
Grass: Alolan Rattata (30% ER only during the night), Slowpoke (20% ER, can call Slowbro and Slowking), Wingull (40% ER), Bagon (10% ER, can call Shelgon), Yungoos (30% ER only during the night)
Surfing: Tentacool (40% ER), Wingull (20% ER), Finneon (20% ER), Mantyke (20% ER, can call Remoraid)
Fishing: Shellder (5% ER), Magikarp (35% ER, can call Gyarados), Remoraid (25% ER, can call Octillery), Wishiwashi (35% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Shellder (35% ER), Magikarp (25% ER, can call Gyarados), Remoraid (15% ER, can call Octillery), Wishiwashi (25% ER)

Route 4
Grass: Alolan Rattata (10% ER only during the night), Eevee (5% ER during the day, can call Espeon, 5% ER during the night, can call Umbreon), Igglybuff (20% ER during the day, can call Jigglypuff and Happiny), Lillipup (20% ER during the day and 30% ER during the night), Pikipek (15% ER during the day and 25% ER during the night), Yungoos (10% ER only during the day), Grubbin (10% ER), Mudbray (20% ER)
Pile of Berries by Berry tree: Crabrawler (100% ER)

Route 5: Southern half
???: Caterpie (10% ER during the day and can call Butterfree, 10% ER during the night), Metapod (9% ER during the day, can call Caterpie and Butterfree, 9% ER during the night), Butterfree (1% ER), Lillipup (20% ER), Pikipek (20% ER), Grubbin (20% ER), Fomantis (20% ER)
???: Caterpie (10% ER, can call Butterfree), Metapod (9% ER, can call Caterpie and Butterfree), Butterfree (1% ER), Lillipup (20% ER), Pikipek (20% ER), Grubbin (20% ER), Fomantis (20% ER)
Pile of Berries by Berry tree: Crabrawler (100% ER)

Route 5: Northern half
Grass: Caterpie (10% ER, can call Butterfree), Metapod (9% ER, can call Caterpie and Butterfree), Butterfree (1% ER), Bonsly (10% ER, can call Sudowoodo and Happiny), Trumbeak (20% ER, can call Pikipek), Grubbin (20% ER), Fomantis (30% ER)
Ambush encounters: Alolan Diglett (100% ER)

Paniola Ranch
Grass: Tauros (5% ER, can call Miltank), Mareep (30% ER), Miltank (5% ER, can call Tauros), Lillipup (20% ER), Mudbray (40% ER)

Brooklet Hill: proper
Grass: Paras (20% ER only during the day), Psyduck (20% ER), Poliwag (20% ER), Wingull (20% ER), Surskit (20% ER only during the night), Dewpider (20% ER only during the day), Morelull (20% ER only during the night)
Surfing: Psyduck (20% ER), Poliwag (40% ER), Surskit (40% ER only during the night), Dewpider (40% ER only during the day)
Fishing: Goldeen (30% ER, can call Seaking), Magikarp (44% ER, can call Gyarados), Feebas (1% ER), Basculin (25% ER)
Fishing at a bubbling spot: Goldeen (25% ER, can call Seaking), Magikarp (40% ER, can call Gyarados), Feebas (10% ER), Basculin (25% ER)

Brooklet Hill: Totem's Den
Surfing: Tentacool (40% ER), Wingull (20% ER), Finneon (40% ER)
Fishing: Magikarp (55% ER, can call Gyarados), Alomomola (5% ER), Wishiwashi (40% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (40% ER, can call Gyarados), Alomomola (35% ER), Wishiwashi (25% ER)

Lush Jungle: Central and north area
Grass: Metapod (10% ER, can call Caterpie and Butterfree), Paras (10% ER only during the day), Pinsir (4% ER), Hoothoot (20% ER only during the night, can call Noctowl), Bonsly (10% ER, can call Sudowoodo and Happiny), Trumbeak (21% ER during the day, 1% ER during the night), Fomantis (20% ER), Morelull (10% ER only during the night), Steenee (10% ER), Comfey (10% ER), Oranguru (5% ER, can call Trumbeak)
Ambush encounters: Steenee (70% ER), Oranguru (30% ER, can call Trumbeak)
Special allies in weather: Goomy (10% ER during rain), Castform (1% ER during rain, 11% ER during hail or sandstorm)

Lush Jungle: Northwest area
Grass: Metapod (10% ER, can call Caterpie and Butterfree), Paras (10% ER only during the day), Pinsir (4% ER), Hoothoot (20% ER only during the night, can call Noctowl), Bonsly (10% ER, can call Sudowoodo and Happiny), Trumbeak (21% ER during the day, 1% ER during the night), Fomantis (20% ER), Morelull (10% ER only during the night), Steenee (10% ER), Comfey (10% ER), Oranguru (5% ER, can call Trumbeak)
Special allies in weather: Goomy (10% ER during rain), Castform (1% ER during rain, 11% ER during hail or sandstorm)

Route 6
Northern field of grass: Alolan Rattata (10% ER only during the night), Eevee (5% ER during the day, can call Espeon, 5% ER during the night, can call Umbreon), Igglybuff (20% ER during the day, can call Jigglypuff and Happiny), Lillipup (20% ER during the day and 30% ER during the night), Pikipek (15% ER during the day and 25% ER during the night), Yungoos (10% ER only during the day), Grubbin (10% ER), Mudbray (20% ER)
Two southern fields of grass: Alolan Rattata (10% ER only during the night), Eevee (5% ER during the day, can call Espeon, 5% ER during the night, can call Umbreon), Igglybuff (20% ER during the day, can call Jigglypuff and Happiny), Lillipup (20% ER during the day and 30% ER during the night), Pikipek (15% ER during the day and 25% ER during the night), Yungoos (10% ER only during the day), Grubbin (10% ER), Pa'u Style Oricoro (20% ER)

Hano Beach
Ambush encounters (sand clouds): Staryu (70% ER, can call Starmie), Sandygast (30% ER)
Surfing: Tentacool (30% ER), Wingull (10% ER), Finneon (30% ER), Pyukumuku (30% ER during the day, 20% ER during the night, 10% ER during the night, can call Wingull)
Ambush encounters (water splashes): Tentacool (100% ER)

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3 votes

Part 2

Route 7
Ambush encounters: Alolan Diglett (100% ER)
Surfing: Tentacool (30% ER), Wingull (20% ER), Finneon (30% ER), Pyukumuku (20% ER)
Fishing: Staryu (5% ER, can call Starmie), Magikarp (55% ER, can call Gyarados), Wishiwashi (40% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Staryu (35% ER, can call Starmie), Magikarp (45% ER, can call Gyarados), Wishiwashi (20% ER)

Wela Volcano Park
Grass: Cubone (24% ER, can call Kangaskhan), Kangaskhan (1% ER), Magby (15% ER, can call Magmar and Happiny), Fletchling (30% ER, can call Fletchinder), Salandit (30% ER, can call Salazzle)

Dividing Peak Tunnel
Ambush encounters (shadow): Kecleon (100% ER)
Ambush encounters (chase): Wimpod (100% ER)

Route 8
Grass: Alolan Rattata (30% ER only during the night, can call Alolan Raticate), Fletchling (15% ER, can call Fletchinder), Trumbeak (30% ER), Yungoos (30% ER only during the night, can call Gumshoos), Salandit (15% ER during the day, 14% ER during the night, 1% ER during the night, can call Stufful), Stufful (10% ER)
Pile of Berries by Berry tree: Crabrawler (100% ER)
Surfing: Tentacool (40% ER), Wingull (20% ER), Finneon (20% ER), Mantyke (20% ER, can call Remoraid)
Fishing: Magikarp (50% ER, can call Gyarados), Chinchou (5% ER, can call Lanturn), Remoraid (15% ER, can call Octillery), Wishiwashi (30% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (40% ER, can call Gyarados), Chinchou (35% ER, can call Lanturn), Remoraid (5% ER, can call Octillery), Wishiwashi (20% ER)

Diglett's Tunnel
Walking: Zubat (60% ER, can call Golbat), Alolan Diglett (30% ER), Larvitar (10% ER)
Ambush encounters: Alolan Diglett (100% ER)

Route 9
Fishing: Magikarp (20% ER, can call Gyarados), Corsola (15% ER, can call Mareanie), Luvdisc (50% ER), Wishiwashi (15% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (10% ER, can call Gyarados), Corsola (5% ER, can call Mareanie), Luvdisc (80% ER), Wishiwashi (5% ER)

Memorial Hill
Grass: Zubat (20% ER, can call Golbat), Gastly (50% ER), Phantump (30% ER)

Akala Outskirts
Grass: Alolan Raticate (20% ER only during the night), Natu (20% ER only during the night, can call Xatu), Wingull (30% ER during the day, 50% ER during the night), Nosepass (15% ER), Gumshoos (20% ER only during the day), Stufful (15% ER)
Fishing: Magikarp (55% ER, can call Gyarados), Chinchou (5% ER, can call Lanturn), Wishiwashi (40% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (40% ER, can call Gyarados), Chinchou (35% ER, can call Lanturn), Wishiwashi (25% ER)

Malie Garden
Grass: Alolan Meowth (20% ER, can call Alolan Persian), Psyduck (10% ER), Poliwhirl (20% ER), Ledian (20% ER only during the day), Ariados (20% ER only during the night), Masquerain (20% ER only during the night), Petilil (10% ER) Araquanid (20% ER only during the day)
Special allies in weather: Poliwhirl (10% ER during rain), Poliwrath (1% ER only during the day in rain), Politoed (1% ER only during the night in rain), Castform (11% ER during hail or sandstorm)
Fishing: Goldeen (30% ER, can call Seaking), Magikarp (40% ER, can call Gyarados), Gyarados (5% ER), Basculin (25% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Goldeen (20% ER, can call Seaking), Magikarp (30% ER, can call Gyarados), Gyarados (35% ER), Basculin (15% ER)

Route 10
Grass: Alolan Raticate (30% ER only during the day), Fearow (30% ER), Ledian (20% ER only during the day), Ariados (20% ER only during the night), Skarmory (10% ER), Pancham (10% ER, can call Pangoro), Gumshoos (30% ER only during the day)
Ambush encounters: Fearow (50% ER), Pineco (30% ER), Skarmory (20% ER)
Pile of Berries by Berry tree: Crabrawler (100% ER)

Mount Hokulani
First two fields at the foot of the mountain: Fearow (30% ER during the day, 10% ER during the night), Ditto (10% ER), Cleffa (20% ER only during the night, can call Clefairy and Happiny), Skarmory (10% ER), Elekid (10% ER, can call Electabuzz and Happiny), Beldum (10% ER), Elgyem (20% ER), Minior (10% ER)
Field nearest the observatory: Ditto (10% ER), Cleffa (20% ER only during the night, can call Clefairy and Happiny), Beldum (20% ER), Elgyem (30% ER during the day, 20% ER during the night), Minior (40% ER during the day, 30% ER during the night)

Route 11
Grass: Parasect (10% ER only during the day), Ledian (20% ER only during the day), Ariados (20% ER only during the night), Pancham (20% ER, can call Pangoro), Trumbeak (20% ER, can call Toucannon), Shiinotic (10% ER only during the night), Komala (30% ER)

Route 12
Grass: Alolan Graveler (30% ER), Manectric (20% ER), Torkoal (20% ER), Mudbray (30% ER, can call Mudsdale)

Blush Mountain
Grass: Alolan Graveler (20% ER), Elekid (10% ER, can call Electabuzz and Happiny), Torkoal (20% ER), Dedenne (10% ER, can call Togedemaru), Charjabug (10% ER during the day, can call Grubbin and Vikavolt, 10% ER during the night), Mudbray (20% ER, can call Mudsdale), Togedemaru (10% ER, can call Dedenne)

Ula'ula Beach
Pile of Berries by Berry tree: Crabrawler (100% ER)

Route 13
Fishing: Magikarp (55% ER, can call Gyarados), Wishiwashi (40% ER), Bruxish (5% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (40% ER, can call Gyarados), Wishiwashi (35% ER), Bruxish (20% ER)

Haina Desert
Deep sand: Alolan Dugtrio (30% ER, can call Baltoy), Krokorok (70% ER, can call Baltoy)
Ambush encounters: Alolan Dugtrio (20% ER, can call Baltoy), Trapinch (10% ER, can call Baltoy), Krokorok (70% ER, can call Baltoy)
Special allies in weather: Gabite (10% ER during sandstorm), Castform (1% ER during sandstorm, 11% ER during rain or hail)

Tapu Village
Grass: Alolan Raticate (30% ER only during the night), Alolan Vulpix (10% ER), Pelipper (30% ER), Absol (10% ER), Snorunt (20% ER), Gumshoos (30% ER only during the day)
Special allies in weather: Vanilite (10% ER during hail), Castform (1% ER during hail, 11% ER during rain or sandstorm)

Route 14
Surfing: Tentacruel (30% ER), Pelipper (20% ER), Finneon (30% ER), Frillish (20% ER)
Fishing: Magikarp (55% ER, can call Gyarados), Wishiwashi (40% ER), Bruxish (5% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (40% ER, can call Gyarados), Wishiwashi (35% ER), Bruxish (25% ER)

Thrifty Megamart (Abandoned Site)
Walking: Golbat (20% ER), Haunter (30% ER, can call Gengar), Shuppet (30% ER), Klefki (15% ER), Mimikyu (5% ER)

Route 15
Grass: Alolan Raticate (30% ER only during the night), Slowpoke (20% ER), Pelipper (50% ER), Gumshoos (30% ER only during the day)
Surfing: Tentacruel (40% ER), Pelipper (20% ER), Finneon (40% ER, can call Lumineon)
Fishing: Magikarp (50% ER, can call Gyarados), Clamperl (5% ER during the day, can call Gorebyss, 5% ER during the night, can call Huntail), Wishiwashi (40% ER), Bruxish (5% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (20% ER, can call Gyarados), Clamperl (35% ER during the day, can call Gorebyss, 35% ER during the night, can call Huntail), Wishiwashi (10% ER), Bruxish (35% ER)

Route 16
Grass: Alolan Raticate (20% ER only during the night), Slowpoke (20% ER), Pelipper (30% ER), Scraggy (30% ER), Gumshoos (20% ER only during the day)
Pile of Berries by Berry tree: Crabrawler (100% ER)

Ula'ula Meadow
Red flowers: Ledian (20% ER only during the day), Ariados (20% ER only durng the night), Petilil (20% ER), Floette (20% ER), Baile Style Oricorio (20% ER), Ribombee (20% ER)
Long grass: Ledian (20% ER only during the day), Ariados (20% ER only durng the night), Petilil (20% ER), Floette (20% ER), Baile Style Oricorio (20% ER), Ribombee (20% ER)

Route 17
Grass: Alolan Raticate (20% ER only during the night), Fearow (20% ER), Ledian (20% ER only during the day), Ariados (20% ER only during the night), Scraggy (40% ER during the day, 30% ER during the night, 10% ER during the night, can call Fearow), Gumshoos (20% ER only during the day)
Brown grass on the mountain: Alolan Raticate (20% ER only during the night), Fearow (20% ER), Alolan Graveler (20% ER), Skarmory (15% ER), Scraggy (20% ER), Bisharp (5% ER, can call Pawniard), Gumshoos (20% ER only during the day)
Special allies in weather: Goomy (10% ER during rain), Castform (1% ER during rain, 11% ER during hail or sandstorm)
Pile of Berries by Berry tree: Crabrawler (100% ER)

Seafolk Village
Fishing: Magikarp (55% ER, can call Gyarados), Wailmer (40% ER, can call Wailord), Dhelmise (5% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (40% ER, can call Gyarados), Wailmer (25% ER, can call Wailord), Dhelmise (35% ER)

Poni Wilds
Grass: Granbull (20% ER), Pelipper (30% ER), East Sea Gastrodon (10% ER), Furfrou (20% ER), Inkay (20% ER)
Pile of Berries by Berry tree: Crabrawler (100% ER)

Ancient Poni Path
Grass: Granbull (20% ER), Pelipper (30% ER), East Sea Gastrodon (10% ER), Furfrou (20% ER), Inkay (20% ER)

Poni Breaker Coast
Ambush encounters (chase): Wimpod (100% ER)
Surfing: Tentacruel (30% ER), Lapras (5% ER), Pelipper (20% ER), East Sea Gastrodon (20% ER), Lumineon (25% ER)
Fishing: Magikarp (49% ER, can call Gyarados), Carvanha (10% ER, can call Sharpedo), Wailmer (40% ER, can call Wailord), Relicanth (1% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (40% ER, can call Gyarados), Carvanha (20% ER, can call Sharpedo), Wailmer (30% ER, can call Wailord), Relicanth (10% ER)
Ambush encounters (water splashes): Wailmer (70% ER), Wailord (10% ER), Dragalge (20% ER)

Exeggutor Island
Grass: Exeggcute (20% ER), Alolan Exeggutor (20% ER), Pinsir (10% ER), Pelipper (20% ER), Tropius (20% ER), East Sea Gastrodon (10% ER)
Special allies in weather: Sliggoo (10% ER during rain), Castform (1% ER during rain, 11% ER during hail or sandstorm)

Vast Poni Canyon: Canyon
Grass: Machoke (20% ER), Skarmory (10% ER), Boldore (10% ER), Mienfoo (20% ER), Carbink (10% ER), Midday Form Lycanroc (20% ER only during the day), Midnight Form Lycanroc (20% ER only during the night), Jangmo-o (5% ER, can call Kommo-o and Hakamo-o)

Vast Poni Canyon: Caves
Walking: Golbat (30% ER), Alolan Dugtrio (20% ER), Boldore (30% ER), Carbink (20% ER, can call Sableye)
Ambush encounters: Alolan Dugtrio (100% ER)
Surfing: Golbat (80% ER), Golduck (20% ER)
Fishing: Magikarp (45% ER, can call Gyarados), Barboach (25% ER, can call Whiscash), Corphish (5% ER, can call Crawdaunt), Basculin (25% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (25% ER, can call Gyarados), Barboach (20% ER, can call Whiscash), Corphish (35% ER, can call Crawdaunt), Basculin (20% ER)

Mount Lanakila: Base
Grass: Alolan Raticate (20% ER only during the night), Alolan Sandshrew (30% ER), Absol (20% ER), Snorunt (30% ER), Gumshoos (20% ER only during the day)
Special allies in weather: Vanillish (10% ER during hail), Castform (1% ER during hail, 11% ER during rain or sandstorm)

Mount Lanakila: Upper Reaches: Lower
Grass: Alolan Sanshrew (30% ER), Sneasel (20% ER), Absol (20% ER), Glalie (30% ER)
Special allies in weather: Vanillish (10% ER during hail), Castform (1% ER during hail, 11% ER during rain or sandstorm)

Mount Lanakila: Upper Reaches: Middle
Grass: Alolan Sanshrew (30% ER), Sneasel (20% ER), Absol (20% ER), Glalie (30% ER)
Special allies in weather: Vanillish (10% ER during hail), Castform (1% ER during hail, 11% ER during rain or sandstorm)

Mount Lanakila: Icy Cave: Left
Walking: Golbat (30% ER), Sneasel (20% ER), Absol (10% ER), Glalie (30% ER), Drampa (10% ER)

Mount Lanakila: Icy Cave: Right
Walking: Golbat (30% ER), Sneasel (20% ER), Absol (10% ER), Glalie (30% ER), Drampa (10% ER)

Mount Lanakila: Upper Reaches: Upper
Grass: Alolan Sanshrew (30% ER), Sneasel (20% ER), Absol (20% ER), Glalie (30% ER)
Special allies in weather: Vanillish (10% ER during hail), Castform (1% ER during hail, 11% ER during rain or sandstorm)

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Part 3

Poni Grove: Pinsir (10% ER), Heracross (10% ER), Buneary (20% ER, can call Lopunny, 10% ER during the night), Riolu (10% ER only during the day, can call Happiny and Lucario), Zoroark (20% ER), Trumbeak (30% ER, can call Toucannon)

Poni Plains
Seven small fields of grass scattered in the middle: Alolan Raticate (30% ER only during the night), Tauros (10% ER, can call Miltank), Miltank (10% ER, can call Tauros), Petilil (20% ER), Trumbeak (30% ER, can call Toucannon), Gumshoos (30% ER only during the day)
Two large fields of grass in the north and around central tree: Alolan Raticate (30% ER only during the night), Hypno (10% ER during the day, 20% ER during the night), Tauros (10% ER, can call Miltank), Miltank (10% ER, can call Tauros), Hariyama (20% ER during the day, 10% ER during the night), Petilil (10% ER), Trumbeak (10% ER, can call Toucannon), Gumshoos (30% ER only during the day)
Three fields of grass by the mountains: Alolan Raticate (10% ER only during the night), Fearow (20% ER), Tauros (10% ER, can call Miltank), Miltank (10% ER, can call Tauros), Petilil (20% ER), Trumbeak (10% ER, can call Toucannon), Gumshoos (10% ER only during the day), Mudsdale (20% ER)
Three fields of grass on the coastline: Alolan Raticate (30% ER only during the night), Tauros (10% ER, can call Miltank), Miltank (10% ER, can call Tauros), Pelipper (20% ER), Petilil (20% ER), Trumbeak (10% ER, can call Toucannon), Gumshoos (30% ER only during the day)
Ambush encounters: rustling grass: Alolan Raticate (70% ER only during the night), Pyroar (30% ER), Gumshoos (70% ER only during the day)
Ambush encounters: shadows of flying Pokémon: Fearow (70% ER), Mandibuzz (30% ER)
Ambush encounters: rustling trees: Primeape (60% ER), Aipom (20% ER, can call Ambipom), Emolga (20% ER)
Ambush encounters: rustling bushes: Chansey (20% ER, can call Blissey), Scyther (30% ER), Petilil (50% ER)
Pile of Berries by Berry tree: Crabrawler (100% ER)

Poni Meadow
Grass: Petilil (30% ER), Sensu Style Oricorio (20% ER), Ribombee (30% ER during the day, 20% ER during the night), Floette (20% ER), Misdreavus (10% ER only during the night)
Fishing: Magikarp (59% ER, can call Gyarados), Dratini (1% ER, can call Dragonair), Barboach (40% ER, can call Whiscash)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (50% ER, can call Gyarados), Dratini (10% ER, can call Dragonair), Barboach (40% ER, can call Whiscash)

Resolution Cave: Exterior: Golbat (40% ER, can call Crobat), Alolan Dugtrio (30% ER), Druddigon (15% ER during the day, 14% ER during the night, 1% ER during the night, can call Golbat), Noivern (15% ER)

Resolution Cave: Interior: Golbat (10% ER, 10% ER, can call Golbat), Alolan Dugtrio (20% ER), Druddigon (20% ER), Noivern (40% ER)

Poni Coast
Ambush encounters: Dugtrio (100% ER)

Poni Gauntlet
Grass: Pelipper (25% ER), Granbull (20% ER), Lickitung (20% ER), Inkay (15% ER), Golduck (10% ER), Bewear (10% ER)
Fishing: Magikarp (59% ER, can call Gyarados), Dratini (1% ER, can call Dragonair and Dragonite), Barboach (40% ER, can call Whiscash)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (50% ER, can call Gyarados), Dratini (10% ER, can call Dragonair and Dragonite), Barboach (40% ER, can call Whiscash)

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