These typings have only 1 Weakness.
Normal, Electric, Water/Ground, Poison/Dark, Bug/Steel and Ghost/Dark.
These are the Pokémon that are these types. Since you said you can trafe, I can just list all of them. Normal-
Rattata, Raticate, Meowth, Persian, Lickitung, Lickilicky, Happiny, Chansey, Blissey, Kangaskhan, Mega Kangaskhan, Tauros, Ditto, Eevee, Porygon, Porygon2, Porygon-Z, Munchlax, Snorlax, Sentret, Furret, Aipom, Ambipom, Dunsparce, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Stantler, Miltank, Smeargle, Zigzagoon, Linoone, Slakoth, Vigoroth, Slaking, Whismur, Loudred, Exploud, Skitty, Delcatty, Spinda, Zangoose, Castform, Kecleon, Bidoof, Buneary, Loppuny, Glameow, Purugly, Regigigas, Arceus, Patras, Watchog, Lillipup, Herdier, Stoutland, Audino, Mincinno, Cinccino, Bouffalant, Bunnelby, Furfrou, Yungoos, Gumshoos, Type:Null, Silvally, Komala.
Pikachu, Raichu, Voltorb, Electrode, Electabuzz, Jolteon, Pichu, Mareep, Flaffy, Ampharos, Elekid, Raikou, Elektrike, Manetric, Mega Manetric, Plusle, Minun, Shinx, Luxio, Luxray, Pachirisu, Electivire, Blitzle, Zebstrika, Tynamo, Eelektrik, Eelektross (0 because of Levitate), Xurkitree, Zeraora.
Wooper, Quagsire, Marshtomp, Swampert, Mega Swampert, Barboach, Whishcash, Palpitoad, Seismitoad, Gastrodon.
Stunky, Skuntank, Drapion, Alolan Grimer and Alolan Muk.
Forretress, Scizor, Mega Scizor, Escavalier, Durant, Genesect, Wormadam- Trash Cloak.
Sableye, Mega Sableye, Spiritomb.
Others- Rotom- W has one weakness.
Hope this helps!