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The Pokemon web and Pokemon Database have already given some information on Calyrex, Regieleki, Regidrago, Galarian Moltres, Galarian Zapdos and Galarian Articuno, but does anyone else know any more info on them? I am pretty sure some Dataminers would have found out what some of their abilities do or their movesets.


2 Answers

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Best answer

Galarian Articuno
-Ability is Competitive

-I can't find it's moveset when you catch it currently, but I will update it when I can.

-Has a signature move called Freezing Glare. Fun fact; It's the only non Ice type move to have a chance to freeze

Galarian Zapdos
-Ability is Defiant

-I can't find it's moveset when you catch it currently, but I will update it when I can.

-Has a signature move called Thunderous Kick, it's Fighting type and lowers Defense

Galarian Moltres
-Ability is Beserk

-I can't find it's moveset when you catch it currently, but I will update it when I can.

-Has a signature move called Fiery Wrath, It's Dark type and has a chance to flinch

-Ability is called Transistor; but no information on what it does is released. A Transistor is a "Semiconductor device with three connections, capable of amplification in addition to rectification." And is used to amplify electric signals. This ability probably will power up Regieleki's Electric type moves even more, because Regieleki is said to have "the greatest power of any used by Electric type Pokémon." EDIT AFTER RELEASE: Transistor does in fact power up Electric moves. It's attacking stats are boosted while using an Electric type move.

-I can't find it's moveset when you catch it currently, but I will update it when I can.

-Has a signature move called Thunder Cage, which traps opponents and does Electric type damage for 4-5 turns

-Ability is called Dragon's Maw, but no information on it's effects have been released. As Regieleki and Regidrago seem to be counterparts, it's probably safe to assume it powers up Regidrago's Dragon type moves even more as well EDIT AFTER RELEASE: It boosts Regidrago's attacking stats when using a Dragon Type move.

-I can't find it's moveset when you catch it currently, but I will update it when I can.

-Has a signature move called Dragon Energy, which functions like Water Spout, meaning it has more power the more HP Regidrago has

-Ability is Unnerve

-Calyrex's name comes from Calyx; Which is the protective bud around a flower before it opens, and Calyrex is a Grass type

-I can't find it's moveset when you catch it currently, but I will update it when I can.

-Two new items that are similar to the DNA Splicers (used to fuse Kyurem, Reshiram, and Zekrom) and the Solarizers (used to fuse Necrozma, Solgaleo, and Lunala) were found in a datamine EDIT AFTER RELEASE: Calyrex can indeed "fuse" with two new legendaries, Glastrier and Spectrier. These forms are called Ice Rider Calyrex (Ice/Psychic type) and Shadow Rider Calyrex (Ghost/Psychic type) respectively.

Calyrex in this form also has a new ability, As One. This combines Glastrier/Spectrier's abilities with Unnerve, Calyrex's usual ability. (Glastrier's ability is Chilling Neigh; which raises it's attack stat by 1 stage when it KOs another Pokemon. Spectrier's ability is Grim Neigh, which raises it's Special Attack by 1 stage when it KOs another Pokemon.)

In these forms, Calyrex also has access to Glastrier and Spectrier's signature moves.

Glacial Lance- Ice type, 130 BP, 100 accuracy, no other effects.

Astral Barrage- Ghost type, 120 BP, 100 accuracy, hits all opponents in a double battle.

edited by
Thanks for the info! I already know most of the information but the DNA thing to do with some legendary Pokemon sounds very interesting.
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Well, the dataminers leaked that Calyrex will have two fusions with two new legendaries in crown tundra that was not shown yet. But we don't know about movesets and stats.

Thanks for the info! I'm getting excited!