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Like soul dew for latias and latios(and yes that's two Pokémon but they are a duo so I'll count that)

Oh and dont include z crystals with things like    normalium z exclusive to pokemon wit a normal type move. But do include exclusive z crystals

2 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

Adamant Orb - exclusive to Dialga
Blue Orb - exclusive to Kyogre
Deep Sea Scale - exclusive to Clamperl
Deep Sea Tooth - exclusive to Clamperl
Leek / Stick - exclusive to Farfetch'd line
Light Ball - exclusive to Pikachu
Griseous Orb - exclusive to Giratina
Lucky Punch - exclusive to Chansey
Lustrous Orb - exclusive to Palkia
Metal Powder - exclusive to Ditto
Quick Powder - exclusive to Ditto
Red Orb - exclusive to Groudon
Rusted Sword - exclusive to Zacian
Rusted Shield - exclusive to Zamazenta
Soul Dew - exclusive to Latias and Latios
Thick Club - exclusive to Cubone line
The 18 type memories - exclusive to Silvally
Burn, Chill, Douse, and Shock Drives - exclusive to Genesect

Mega Stones
Abomasite - exclusive to Abomasnow
Absolite - exclusive to Absol
Aerodactylite - exclusive to Aerodactyl
Aggronite - exclusive to Aggron
Alakizite - exclusive to Alakazam
Altarianite - exclusive to Altaria
Amphariosite - exclusive to Ampharos
Audinite - exclusive to Audino
Banettite - exclusive to Banette
Beedrillite - exclusive to Beedrill
Blastoisinite - exclusive to Blastoise
Blazikenite - exclusive to Blaziken
Cameruptite - exclusive to Camerupt
Charizardite X and Y - exclusive to Charizard
Diancite - exclusive to Diancie
Galladite - exclusive to Gallade
Garchompite - exclusive to Garchomp
Gardevoirite - exclusive to Gardevoir
Gengarite - exclusive to Gengar
Glalitite - exclusive to Glalie
Gyaradosite - exclusive to Gyarados
Heracronite - exclusive to Heracross
Houndoominite - exclusive to Houndoom
Kangaskhanite - exclusive to Kangaskhan
Latiasite - exclusive to Latias
Latiosite - exclusive to Latios
Lopunnite - exclusive to Lopunny
Lucarionite - exclusive to Lucario
Manectite - exclusive to Manectric
Mawilite - exclusive to Mawile
Medichamite - exclusive to Medicham
Metagrossite - exclusive to Metagross
Mewtwonite X and Y - exclusive to Mewtwo
Pidgeotite - exclusive to Pidgeot
Pinsirite - exclusive to Pinsir
Sablenite - exclusive to Sableye
Salamencite - exclusive to Salamence
Sceptilite - exclusive to Sceptile
Scizorite - exclusive to Scizor
Sharpedonite - exclusive to Sharpedo
Slowbronite - exclusive to Slowbro
Steelixite - exclusive to Steelix
Swampertite - exclusive to Swampert
Tyranitarite - exclusive to Tyranitar
Venusaurite - exclusive to Venusaur

Exclusive Z-Crystals
Aloraichium-Z - exclusive to Alolan Raichu
Decidium-Z - exclusive to Decidueye
Eevium-Z - exclusive to Eevee
Incinuim-Z - exclusive to Incineroar
Kommonium-Z - exclusive to Kommo-o
Lunalium-Z - exclusive to Lunala
Marshadium-Z - exclusive to Marshadow
Lycanium-Z - exclusive to Lycanroc
Mewnium-Z - exclusive to Mew
Mimikium-Z - exclusive to Mimikyu
Pikanium-Z - exclusive to Pikachu
Pikashunium-Z - exclusive to Ash Cap Pikachu
Primarium-Z - exclusive to Primarina
Snorlium-Z - exclusive to Snorlax
Solganium-Z - exclusive to Solgaleo
Tapunium-Z - exclusive to the Tapus
Ultranecrozium-Z - exclusive to Necrozma

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Oof I missed a lot
Thanks to both of you
2 votes

Soul Dew (Latios, Latias, boosts Special stats)
Light Ball (Pikachu, boosts offensive stats)
Quick Powder (Ditto, boosts Speed)
Metal Powder (Ditto, boosts Defence)
Deep Sea Tooth (Clamperl, boosts Special attack)
Deep Sea Scale (Clamperl, boost Special Defense)
Leek (Farfetch'd, boosts Critical hit chance)
Lucky Punch (Chansey, boosts Critical hit chance)
Red Orb (Allows Groudon to undergo Primal Reversion)
Blue Orb (Allows Kyogre to undergo Primal Reversion)
Griseous Orb (Giratina, boosts Dragon and Ghost moves)
Lustrous Orb (Palkia, boosts Dragon and Water moves)
Adamant Orb (Dialga, boosts Dragon and Steel moves)
Rusted Shield (Turns Zamazenta into Crowned Form)
Rusted Sword (Turns Zacian into Crowned Form)

Abomasite (Abomasnow, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Absolite (Absol, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Aerodactlyite (Aerodactyl, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Aggronite (Aggron, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Alakazite (Alakazam, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Altarianite (Altaria, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Ampharosite (Ampharos, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Audinite (Audino, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Banettite (Banette, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Beedrillite (Beedrill, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Blastoisinite (Blastoise, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Blazikenite (Blaziken, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Charizardite Y (Charizard, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Charizardite X (Charizard, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Diancite (Diance, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Galladite (Gallade, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Garchompite (Garchomp, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Gardevoirite (Gardevoir, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Gengarite (Gengar, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Glalitite (Glalie, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Gyaradosite (Gyarados, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Heracronite (Heracross, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Houndoomite (Houndoom, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Kangaskahnite (Kangaskahn, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Latiasite (Latias, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Latiosite (Latios, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Lopunnite (Lopunny, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Lucarionite (Lucario, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Manectite (Manectric, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Mawilite (Mawile, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Medichamite (Medicham, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Metagrossite (Metagross, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Mewtwonite X (Mewtwo, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Mewtwonite Y (Mewtwo, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Pidgeotite (Pidgeot, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Pinsirite (Pinsir, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Sablenite (Sableye, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Salamencite (Salamence, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Sceptilite (Sceptile, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Scizorite (Scizor, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Sharpedonite (Sharpedo, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Slowbronite (Slowbro, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Steelixite (Steelix, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Swampertite (Swampert, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Tyranitarite (Tyranitar, allows it to Mega Evolve)
Venusaurite (Venusaur, allows it to Mega Evolve)

Fairy Memory (Changes Silvally's type to Fairy)
Poison Memory (Changes Silvally's type to Poison)
Fire Memory (Changes Silvally's type to Fire)
Bug Memory (Changes Silvally's type to Bug)
Dark Memory (Changes Silvally's type to Dark)
Dragon Memory (Changes Silvally's type to Dragon)
Electric Memory (Changes Silvally's type to Electric)
Ground Memory (Changes Silvally's type to Ground)
Ice Memory (Changes Silvally's type to Ice)
Fighting Memory (Changes Silvally's type to Fighting)
Flying Memory (Changes Silvally's type to Flying)
Ghost Memory (Changes Silvally's type to Ghost)
Water Memory (Changes Silvally's type to Water)
Rock Memory (Changes Silvally's type to Rock)
Psychic Memory (Changes Silvally's type to Psychic)
Grass Memory (Changes Silvally's type to Grass)

Alorachium Z (Allows Alolan Raichu to use it's signature Z move)
Decidium Z (Allows Decidueye to use it's signature Z move)
Eevium Z (Allows Eevee to use it's signature Z move)
Incinium Z (Allows Incineroar to use it's signature Z move)
Primarium Z (Allows Primarina to use it's signature Z move)
Kommonium Z (Allows Kommo-o to use it's signature Z move)
Lunalium Z (Allows Lunala to use it's signature Z move)
Solgalium Z (Allows Solgaleo to use it's signature Z move)
Lycanium Z (Allows Lycanroc to use it's signature Z move)
Marshadium Z (Allows Marshadow to use it's signature Z move)
Mewnium Z (Allows Mewtwo to use it's signature Z move)
Mimikium Z (Allows Mimikyu to use it's signature Z move)
Pikanium Z (Allows Pikachu to use it's signature Z move)
Pikashunium Z (Allows Cap Pikachu to use it's signature Z move)
Snorlium Z (Allows Snorlax to use it's signature Z move)
Tapunium Z (Allows the Tapus to use their signature Z moves)
Ultranecrozium Z (Allows Ultra Necrozma to use it's signature Z move)

Shock Drive (Changes Techno Blast's type to Electric)
Burn Drive (Changes Techno Blast's type to Fire)
Chill Drive (Changes Techno Blast's type to Ice)
Douse Drive (Changes Techno Blast's type to Water)

Notes: Arceus's Plates are not included here, because they also boost moves of their type when held by any Pokemon.
In Gens 3 to 6, Soul Dew boosts Latios and Latias Special stats. In generation 7, it boosts their Psychic and Dragon type moves.

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