PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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In Pokemon, I started shiny hunting. One hunt was for a Drifloon that took about 3 days. But my hunt for Dialga is taking over a month! I know the shiny odds are low in these games, but do other factors such as your ID and Secret ID effect the odds of a shiny, or is it just bad luck?


2 Answers

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Best answer

It’s just bad luck.
The shiny is determined by a random number generator. It picks a number between one and ~65000, and if it selects 1-8, it’s shiny. The only things that effect shiny odds in gen 4 is Cute Charm (with the whole cute charm glitch and stuff), and the Pokeradar.

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Alright. (I'm cursed with bad luck.)
Oof. If the answer helped, could you press the green check mark?
0 votes

In addition to what the other answer said, the Masuda method also raises the shiny chance.
