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11 votes

Like, moves the Pokemon can't learn, or abilities the mon doesn't have, or evolved before the evolution level.

Wondering because in my Oak Platinum, the father&daughter duo above the town with the day care, the dude has a level 24 Rapidash.

How many other examples of this are there, and where?

Like lvl 9 Pidgeotto (Faulkner) in gen 2 games and lvl 24 Manectric (Wattson) in gen 3 games?
Ghetsis uses lvl. 52 Hydreigon in B2/W2 games. Infact, it evolves from Zweilous at lvl. 64!
The answer to this will probably be very long
all Npc's with version exclusives also Lance has a hacked dragonite
Version exclusives cannot be termed as hacked because, they can be legitimately obtained!

1 Answer

7 votes
Best answer

All Pokémons evolved before evolution level:

(Excuse me! I wouldn't include Rocket grunts or scientists because they tons of underlevelled 'mons)

Red & Blue:

  • Route 11 - Engineer (Bernie) - has a lvl 18 Magneton (evolves at lvl 30)
  • Rock Tunnel - Hiker (Lucas) - has a lvl 21 Graveler (evolves at lvl 25)
  • Route 8 - Super Nerd (Glenn) - has a lvl 22 Muk (evolves at lvl 38)
  • Route 8 - Gambler - has a lvl 22 Poliwhirl (evolves at lvl 25)
  • Pokemon Tower 5F - 2 Channelers - have lvl 22 and 23 Haunters (evolves at lvl 25)
  • Saffron Gym - Psychic (Cameron) - has a lvl 33 Slowbro (evolves at lvl 37)
  • Route 16 - Biker (Hideo) - has a lvl 33 Weezing (evolves at lvl 35)
  • Route 17 - Biker (Ruben) - has two lvl 28 Weezings
  • Route 17 - Biker (Billy) - has a lvl 33 Muk
  • Route 17 - Cue Ball (Jamal)- has a lvl 26 Machoke (evolves at lvl 28)
  • Route 17 - Biker (Jaxon) - has lvl 29 Weezing and Muk
  • Route 17 - Biker (Williams) has 2 lvl 29 Weezings (25 in FrLg)
  • Route 14 - Biker (Gerald) - has a lvl 29 Muk
  • Route 15 - Biker (Ernest)- has a lvl 29 Weezing (25 in FR, LG)
  • Route 15 - Bird Keeper (Chester)- has a lvl 28 Dodrio (It evolves at lvl 31)

Note: The names in bracket are in FrLg


  • Route 6 - Jr. Trainer - has a lvl 16 Raticate.
    The rest same as Red and Blue.

Gold & Silver:

  • Violet Gym - Faulkner - has a lvl 9 Pidgeotto (evolves at lvl 18)
  • Union Cave - Hiker Phillip - has a lvl 23 Graveller
  • Ecruteak Gym - Medium Grace, Medium Martha - have lvl 20 Haunters + Other Haunters
  • Route 38 - Beauty Valerie - has lvl 17 Skiploom (It evolves at lvl 18) (not in HGSS)
  • Route 39 - Sailer Eugene - has lvl 17 Poliwhirl and Raticate
  • Glitter Lighthouse - Sailor Huey - has a lvl 18 Poliwhirl + Other Poliwhirls
  • Route 41 - Sailor Charlie - has a lvl 19 Tentacruel (evolves at lvl 30)
  • Route 41 - Swimer Kailee - has a lvl 20 Seaking (evolves at lvl 33)
  • Route 43 - Camper Spencer - has a lvl 17 Sandslash (evolves at lvl 22)
  • Route 43 - Fisher Marvin - has lvl 10 and 15 Gyarados (evolves at lvl 20) (Not in HGSS)
  • Route 43 - PokéManiac Ben - has lvl 19 Slowbro (Not in HGSS)
  • Mahogany Gym - Boarder Ronald - has a lvl 25 Dewgong (evolves at lvl 34)
    (Other Dewgongs in Mahogany Gym)
  • Mahogany Gym - Pryce - has a lvl 31 Piloswine (evolves at lvl 33)
  • Route 26 - Cooltrainer Beth - has a lvl 36 Rapidash (evolves at lvl 40) (not in HGSS)
  • Indigo Plateau - Lance - has 3 Dragonites, 2 of lvl 47, 1 of lvl 50 (evolves at lvl 55)
  • Saffron Gym - Medium Doris - has a lvl 36 Slowbro
  • Route 8 - Super Nerd Sam - has a lvl 34 Muk

Ruby & Sapphire:

  • Mauville Gym - Wattson - has a lvl 23 Magneton
  • Route 114 - Sr. and Jr. Tyra & Ivy - have a lvl 21 Graveler
  • Mt. Chimney - Maxie (Ruby) - has a lvl 25 Camerupt (evolves at lvl 33)
  • Mt. Chimney - Archie (Sapphire) - has a lvl 25 Sharpedo (evolves at lvl 30)
  • Petalburg Gym - Norman - has two Slakings of lvl 28 and 31 (evolves at lvl 36)
  • Fortree Gym - Winona - has a lvl 33 Altaria (evolves at lvl 35)
  • Route 121 - Sr. and Jr. Kate & Joy - have a lvl 32 Slaking
  • Route 123 - Cool Trainer Clyde - has a lvl 29 Magneton
  • Magma Hideout (Ruby) - Magma Admin Tabitha - has a lvl 32 Camerupt

Note: Included Magma Hideout because it would be too less without them. And I would add the Villian's Pokemons further.


  • Mauville Gym - Wattson - has a lvl 24 Manectric (evolves at lvl 26)
  • Lavaridge Gym - Flannery - has a lvl 26 Camerupt
  • Desert - Ruin Maniac Byran - has a lvl 22 Sandslash
  • Route 115 - Triathlete Kyra - has a lvl 26 Dodrio
  • Route 108 - Cool Trainer Carolina - has two lvl 24 Manectrics
  • Route 108 - Swimmer Jerome - has a lvl 25 Tentacruel (evolves at lvl 30)
  • Route 109 - Fisherman Carter - has a lvl 25 Tentacruel
  • Route 123 - Cooltrainer Braxton - has a lvl 28 Magneton

The rest are the same from RS except Clyde and Norman (has lvl 31 slaking only).

FireRed & LeafGreen:

  • Route 11 - Engineer Braxton - has a lvl 21 Magneton
  • Route 11 - Youngster Yasu - has a lvl 17 Raticate
  • Rock Tunnel (B1F) - Hiker Dudley - has a lvl 21 Graveler
  • Route 10 - HikerTrent - has a lvl 19 Graveler.
  • Route 8 - Biker Ricardo - has a lvl 23 Grimer
  • Route 8 - Gamer Stan - has a lvl 22 Polihirl
  • Pokemon Tower 5F - Channeler Tammy - has a lvl 22 Haunter
  • Young Couple Lea & Jed - has a lvl 29 Rapidash
  • Route 14 - Biker Lukas - has a lvl 26 Grimer
  • Route 15 - Biker Alex - has a lvl 28 Weezing
  • Route 19/20 - Swimmer Axle - has a lvl 27 Tentacruel
  • Route 19/20 - Swimmer Alice & Anya - have two Seakings of lvl 30 and 27

Diamond & Pearl:

  • Valley Windworks - Commander Mars - has a lvl 16 Purugly (evolves at lvl 38)
  • Team Galatic Eterna Building - Commander Jupiter - has a lvl 20 Skuntank (evolves at lvl 34)
  • Veilstone Gym - Black Belt Darren - has two lvl 25 Machokes
    (Other Machokes in the gym)
  • Route 214 - Psychic Mitchell - has a lvl 23 Haunter.
  • Fuego Ironworks - Worker Conrad - has a lvl 33 Rapidash


  • Valley Windworks - Commander Mars - has a lvl 17 Purugly (evolves at lvl 38)
  • Team Galatic Eterna Building - Commander Jupiter - has a lvl 23 Skuntank (evolves at lvl 34)
  • Hearthome Gym - Ace Trainer Allen - has a lvl 24 Haunter
    (other Haunters in the Gym)
  • Route 210 - Belle & Pa Ava & Matt - have a lvl 24 Rapidash
  • Route 215 - Ace Trainer Dennis - has a lvl 24 Drifblim (evolves at lvl 28)
  • Pastoria Gym - Fisherman Erick - has a lvl 31 Seaking
  • Sevenstars Restaurant - Socialite Rebecca - has a lvl 27 Purugly
  • Route 216 - Ace Trainer Maria - has a lvl 39 Rapidash

HeartGold & SoulSilver:

  • Route 35 - Bird Keeper Byran - has a lvl 14 Pidgeotto
  • Olivine City - Beauty Charlotte - has a lvl 16 Bellossom (Gloom evolves at lvl 21)
  • Cianwood City - Eusine - has a lvl 27 Electrode (evolves at lvl 30)
  • Route 42 - Hiker Benjamin - has a lvl 17 Dugtrio
  • Route 43 - PokéManiac Beckettt - has lvl 20 Slowbro
  • **Mahogany Town (Rocket HQ) - Lance (ally) - has a lvl 40 Dragonite
  • Route 26 - Ace Trainer Jamie - has a lvl 36 Rapidash

Black & White:

  • Castelia Gym - Burgh - has a lvl 21 Whirlipede (evolves at lvl 22) (not in B2W2)
  • Route 7 - Youngster Parker - has a lvl 29 Scolipede (evolves at lvl 30)
  • P2 Laboratory - Scientist Nathan - has a lvl 35 Garbodor (evolves at 36)
  • Opelucid Gym - Drayden / Iris - have lvl 43 Haxorus (evolves at lvl 48)
  • Team Plasma Ghetsis - has a lvl 54 Hydreigon (evolves at 64)

Black 2 & White 2:

  • Virbank Gym - Roxie - has a lvl 17-19 Whirlipede
  • Driftveil Gym - Clay - has a lvl 28 Krokorok (evolves at lvl 29)
  • Team Plasma Ghetsis - has a lvl 52 Hydreigon
  • Pokémon League - Champion Iris - has a lvl 56 Hydreigon

X & Y:

  • Route 5 - Rising Star Hamish - has a lvl 13 Kadabra (evolves at lvl 16)
  • Battle Chateau - Countess Adele - has a lvl 25 Shelgon (evolves at lvl 30)
  • Battle Chateau - Countess Eliane - has a lvl 25 Lairon (evolves at lvl 32)
  • Battle Chateau - Countess Patricia - has a lvl 25 Doublade (evolves at lvl 35)
  • Battle Chateau - Earl Sancy - has a lvl 25 Dragonair (evolves at lvl 30)
  • Battle Chateau - Earl Lesotho - has a lvl 25 Fraxure (evolves at lvl 38)
  • Battle Chateau - Marchioness Amandine - has a lvl 35 Avalugg (evolves at lvl 37)
  • Battle Chateau - Marchioness Amelie - has a lvl 35 Wailord (evolves at lvl 40)
  • Pokéball Factory - Two Team Flare Grunts - have Scraggy of lvl 36-37 (evolves at lvl 39)

OmegaRuby & AlphaSapphire:

  • Route 109 - Ace Trainer Portia - has a lvl 28 Magcargo (evolves at lvl 38)
  • Mauville Gym - Wattson - has a lvl 21 Magneton
  • Mt. Chimney - Maxie (OR) - has a lvl 27 Camerupt + other Camerupts
  • Mt. Chimney - Archie (AS) - has a lvl 27 Sharpedo + other Sharpedos
  • Petalburg Gym - Norman - has two Slakings of lvl 28 and 30
  • Secrat Base Guild - Aarune - has a lvl 23 Flygon (evolves at lvl 45)

Sun & Moon:

  • Almost all Totems
  • Ten Carat Hill - Captain Illima - has a lvl 15 Gumshoos (evolves at lvl 20)
  • Diglett's Tunnel - Black Belt Greg - has a lvl 23 Hariyama (evolves at lvl 24)
  • Malie City (outer cape) - Janitor Shawn - has a lvl 27 Muk
  • Route 12 - Scientist Jayson - has a lvl 29 Magneton
  • Secluded Shore - Swimmer Robert - has a lvl 29 Whiscash (evolves at lvl 30)
  • Route 16 - Scientist Reid - has a lvl 33 Muk
  • Aether Paradise - Employee in Hallway - has a lvl 37 Muk

Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon:

  • Almost all Totems
  • Tapu Village - Veteran Angus - has a lvl 36 Sliggoo (evolves at lvl 40)
  • Route 16 - Scientist Reid - has a lvl 33 Muk
  • Poni Breaker Coast - Swimmer Derek has a lvl 44 Dragalge (evolves at lvl 44)

Sword & Shield:

  • Motostoke Stadium - Kabu - has a lvl 27 Centiskorch (evolves at lvl 28)
  • Stow on Side Stadium - (Shield) Allister - has a lvl 35 Cursola (evolves at lvl 38)
  • Route 10 - Interviewers Gillian and Cam - have a lvl 46 Klinklang (evolves at lvl 49)

(I may have missed some, since I didn't use Bulbapedia source for SM/USUM/SWSH)

Game Move Errors

  • RB - Lance - Dragonite - Barrier

Lance's Dragonite knows Barrier in Red & Blue, Dragonite couldn't know this move until Gen-6.

  • GSC - Lance - Aerodactyl - Rock Slide

Lance's Aerodactyl knows Rock Slide in the Gen-2 games, Aerodactyl couldn't know this move until Gen-3.

  • Emerald - Cooltrainer Dianne - Lanturn - Earthquake

In Pokémon Emerald's Victory Road, Cooltrainer Dianne's Lanturn knows Earthquake, Lanturn can't know this move.

  • BW - School Kid Ann - Wormadam - Leaf Storm

On Unova Route 12, School Kid Ann's Sandy Cloak Wormadam knows the move Leaf Storm, Sandy Cloak cannot know this move, only Plant Cloak can.

  • SM - Totem Wishiwashi - Ally Alomomola - Water Gun

In the battle against Totem Wishiwashi at Brooklet Hill, the Totem Pokémon can summon an ally Alomomola which knows Water Gun, Alomomola cannot know this move.

  • LPGE - Hiker Jim - Onix - Wrap

In the Underground Path (Kanto Routes 7-8), Onix Master Jim has an Onix that knows Wrap, Onix cannot know this move.

Moves that are learnt at early level:

(In this list, we will look on to those moves learnt at early level, and the previous evolution/s can't learn this move at all, so it cannot be obtained by Breeding, thus it is illegal.)

  • GSC - Pryce - Piloswine - Fury Attack (level 31, it should learn at level 33).
  • RSE - Sidney - Shiftry - Extrasensory (level 48, although Shiftry doesn't learn this move until level 49 as a Nuzleaf).
  • RSE - Winona - Altaria - Dragon Dance (level 33, it should learn at lvl 40).
  • Emerald - Norman - Linoone - Slash (level 29, it should learn at lvl 41).
  • Platinum - Bertha - Rhyperior - Rock Wrecker (level 55, it should learn at lvl 61).
  • B2W2 - Bianca - Purrloin - Growl (level 2, it should learn at lvl 3).
  • SwSh - Corvin - Dracozolt - Bolt Beak (level 58, it should learn at level 63)
  • SwSh - Terry - Dracovish - Fishious Rend (Fishious Rend at level 57, it should learn at level 63).

Not included Battle Frontier since it is Post-Game.

Bulbapedia -> Game move errors

edited by
Blaze, feel free to post another answer. I think this one is good enough as it is, but if you want to add more, you can post a second answer to bypass the character limit and ill give another upvote for the effort :)
Just being picky, but Mars’s Purugly is level 17 in Platinum and Jupiter’s Skuntank is level 23.
Thanks, I didn't observe!
Everyone always forgets about that poor level 11 magmar that evolved 20 levels early in crystal
In the post-game Iono fight she has a Luxray with Wild Charge that's below level 80.