PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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For example, in Pokémon Yellow, there is a trainer that is willing you to trade a Machoke if you trade him a Cubone, which means that the Machoke (called Ricky) will evolve during the trade, giving you a Machamp. Are there any other examples of this in other Pokémon games?


1 Answer

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This answer will note the Pokemon that get traded to the player prior to evolution.

Blue (Japan)
- Haunter
- Graveler

- Machoke

Sun and Moon
- Graveler-Alola

Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
- Phantump

Scarlet and Violet
- Haunter

...and that's it! I guess you could also say that the NPCs get some trade evolutions (e.g. you trade a Kadabra in Japanese Blue, can have a Poliwhirl hold King's Rock in FRLG, etc), but that has very little practical bearing.

In-game trade (Bulbapedia)

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Thanks a lot! (glad Mindy and her stupid Everstone Haunter weren't included).
its not quiiiite evolving, but there is also a haunter holding an eviolite