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Hidden Power Ice:
- Checks Rayquaza
- Checks other Yveltals(ineffectively)
Sets up a Hailstorm, damaging Yveltal each turn

Hidden Power Poison
- Increases SpA

So which one is better?

I believe a Max Darkness hits harder then Max Hailstorm in Delta Stream
That is true.
252 SpA Life Orb Dark Aura Yveltal Max Darkness vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Rayquaza-Mega: 370-437 (105.4 - 124.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
And I also forgotten that HP Poison counters Xerneas
What is your current moveset?
~Chocolatte~ (Yveltal) @ Life Orb  
Ability: Dark Aura  
Shiny: Yes  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Oblivion Wing  
- Dark Pulse  
- Heat Wave  
- Hidden Power [Poison]
Neither. Use Sucker Punch instead, to check Calyrex-S consistently
I agree with the above, it’s also good for Chansey/Blissey during dynamax
I also agree that sucker punch is better.
Tell the rest of your team. We can't tell which one is better without knowing your team so its weakness and resistances.

2 Answers

6 votes
Best answer

Both are bad!

I believe a Max Darkness hits harder then Max Hailstorm in Delta Stream
commented 14 hours ago by PrimalKyogre

252+ SpA Life Orb Yveltal Max Hailstorm vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Rayquaza-Mega in Strong Winds: 346-408 (98.5 - 116.2%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Dark Aura Yveltal Max Darkness vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Rayquaza-Mega: 407-480 (115.9 - 136.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO

And I also forgotten that HP Poison counters Xerneas
commented 14 hours ago by ★~ProfDelldell~★

Consistently, not.
252+ SpA Life Orb Yveltal Max Ooze vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Xerneas: 255-302 (64.8 - 76.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Yveltal Max Airstream vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Xerneas: 309-367 (78.6 - 93.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

  • Definitely not. Any average player is well aware of the fact that if Yveltal is Dynamaxed and at +1 Speed, most player would Dynamax away their Yveltal or Xerneas.
  • It is smarter to go with Max Airstream if you're at +1 Speed so that you outspeed them after their +2 Geomancy, considering Timid/Hasty Yveltal is faster than Modest Xerneas.
  • Hidden Power [Ice] isn't totally bad, but it is limited to only physical sets for which it breaks Zygarde which walls Physical Yveltal totally.

dynamaxed hidden Power poison is strong against fairy types which Yveltal is weak to (not zacian though)

According to the above calculations we see Max Airstream do more damage.

  • Rock Slide/Focus Blast are much options to consider. Why?

Rock Slide allows Yveltal to OHKO Ho-Oh, a common switch-in, with Max Rockfall or break through said foe without Dynamaxing after it switches into Dark Pulse.

Focus Blast removes Tyranitar, which otherwise walls Yveltal.

  • Remember that Hidden Power [Poison]'s Sp.Atk boosting capability under Dynamax may make you more vulnerable to Ditto and it will countersweep you.
  • The best choice for 4th moveslot is definitely Sucker Punch.

Neither. Use Sucker Punch instead, to check Calyrex-S consistently
commented 14 hours ago by SSuperiority

Yeah, that's true, but remember it does best only against Ditto transformed into Calyrex-S since its locked into one move, and in high ladder you may find Substitute or Baton Pass.

I agree with the above, it’s also good for Chansey/Blissey during dynamax
commented 11 hours ago by PrimalKyogre

Not only this, it also OHKOes Primal Kyogre and provides a way to check Scarf Kyogre better through Sucker Punch.

  • 4 Atk Life Orb Dark Aura Yveltal Max Darkness vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 374-442 (53.2 - 62.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
  • 4 Atk Life Orb Dark Aura Yveltal Max Darkness vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 515-606 (72.1 - 84.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
  • 4 Atk Life Orb Dark Aura Yveltal Max Darkness vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Kyogre-Primal: 309-367 (90.6 - 107.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

Do remember one thing. If Dynamax is over, then Chansey walls you. Knock Off does the job, but you don't need to worry about stall more than priority.
Hope this helps!

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2 votes

I'm going to assume that your Yveltal has a life orb set to calculate the damage. I would go with hidden Power poison and here is why:

  • I believe a Max Darkness hits harder then Max Hailstorm in Delta Stream @primalkyogre.

Yes he is right, max hailstorm has a 93% chance to OHKO strong winds dragon dance mega rayquaza but max darkness is guaranteed to OHKO

  • max hailstorm only has a 37% chance to OHKO a life orb Yveltal so hidden Power ice isn't reliable.

  • max airstream is better at countering other Yveltal than hidden Power ice (and it also increases speed)

  • dynamaxed hidden Power poison increases special attack like you said which is very useful and might guarantee you an OHKO for most AG threats

  • dynamaxed hidden Power poison is strong against fairy types which Yveltal is weak to (not zacian though)
