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If you have a good Little Cup moveset for Bellsprout, post an answer below and upvote the best ones.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Bellsprout Pokedex and learnset for reference.

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3 Answers

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Gen 7 LC (Chlorophyll isn't banned yet)

Bellsprout @ Life Orb
Chlorophyll Ability
196 SpA/ 116 HP/ 196 Spe
Modest Nature
-Solar Beam
-Sludge Bomb
-Weather Ball
-Sleep Powder

Sun Sweeper. Solar Beam is strong STAB. Rest of moves are coverage. Sleep Powder is filler and utility to get rid of a threat. If you want, Stun Spore could be used. At 26 Speed, it outspeeds all unboosted LC Pokémon.

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What's its nature?
Probably modest because it's carrying chlorophyll
Isn't Chlorophyll banned in LC or something?
It's not listed as banned in SM, which is the latest generation you can use Bellsprout in LC in.
Shoot, forgot that.  Thanks.
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Bellsprout @ Focus Sash
Ability: Chlorophyll
Level: 5
EVs: 236 Atk / 36 SpD / 196 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Seed Bomb / Power Whip
- Poison Jab
- Knock Off
- Swords Dance / Sucker Punch / Leech Life

Seed Bomb and Power Whip are STAB, so choose accuracy or power. Poison Jab is solid physical Poison STAB. Knock Off helps deal with the vast amounts of Eviolite users. Swords Dance helps Bellsprout hit harder. Sucker Punch gives Bellsprout a priority move that can help it score a KO. Leech Life allows it to recover HP.

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Bellsprout has good special and attack,but super fringe mediocre stats.It has wrap and razor leaf though.
Razor Leaf/Mega Drain
Sleep Powder
Stun Spore
Razor Leaf hits hard with a crit,and stab.Mega Drain is an alternative to keep it in the game longer,but is weak.Wrap is a gimmick,but can be super annoying.Sleep Powder is really annoying against,well,anything.Stun Spore can slow opponents down,and can immobilize the opponent too.It has other options,but this is the best moveset for it(in my opinion).
