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As I mentioned in one of my other questions, I have a Mewtwo which might be special. A normal Mewtwo in Sw/Sh from max raid would usually have about 250 HP at level 78. Whereas the one I got at Smyths Toys... at level 78... HAD 464 HP! This was the amount it had right at the start, before it could get any EVs. Although I cannot read the EV graph, and I want to know if my Mewtwo has Maximum Ev's in HP. It would be preferable if someone who got their Mewtwo from the same event answered this question. I am talking about the one where you could get a download code for Mewtwo for Let's Go! from Smyths Toys Superstores.
I am planning to use it in series 8. This maybe special advantage might FINALLY help me dominate ranked battles!


1 Answer

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Best answer

Let’s Go works a little bit differently from other main-series games. Let’s Go doesn’t have EVs, but instead has what’s called AVs, which are similar, but distinctly separate. EVs can only ever raise a stat by 63 points, while AVs can raise a stat by a whopping 200 points. It’s actually impossible for a level 78 Mewtwo to have 464 HP with EVs, but AVs are able to push it that far. However, AVs also only exist in Let’s Go, and will disappear if the Pokémon is sent to SwSh.

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OH COME ON! SERIOUSLY?! I thought my Mewtwo was special! Oh well. Thanks for the help! Wait... When I caught another Mewtwo in Ceurelean Cave (I can't spell) after the one I got from Smyths, it had about 250 HP. How come my first Mewtwo got AVs naturally? Or did it not? I'm confused. Any good doubles strategies for Mewtwo?