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If you have a good competitive moveset for Caterpie, post an answer below and upvote the best ones.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Caterpie Pokédex and learnset for reference.

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2 Answers

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Image by Swordhara on DeviantArt.

Caterpie @ Eviolite
Ability: Shield Dust
Level: 5
EVs: 196 Atk / 116 SpA / 196 SpD
Naughty Nature
- Bug Bite
- Electroweb
- String Shot
- Snore

It shouldn't be difficult to see why Caterpie is a terrible Pokemon to bring to a serious match. The best it can do is "threaten" STAB Bug Bite on a couple Pokemon like Grookey and Abra, but it doesn't really matter when it dies in a single hit anyways. Electroweb and String Shot are theoretically speed control options, but you should really just have Carvanha or Scarf users if you're worried about Speed.

There are a grand total of two viable Pokemon in Gen 8 LC that have Hypnosis (Ponyta and Vulpix), and neither of them run it. If by some miracle you run into a terrible player with Hypnosis that doesn't click their super effective Fire STAB, Caterpie is an excellent way to ensure the rest of your team can't be put to sleep.

Other than this, Caterpie's best use is making the opponent laugh so hard they accidentally run down their timer.

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Caterpie is pro :(
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Gen 8 LC

You shouldn't Use Caterpie, She's too frail and she gets Countered by Everything, But she's cute, So we let It slide.

Caterpie @ Choice Band
Ability: Shield Dust
Level: 5
EVs: 196 Atk / 76 Def / 236 Spe
Jolly Nature
IVs: 0 SpA
- Bug Bite
- Tackle

This set Tries to make Caterpie a Wallbreaker being able to hit Carvanha, Inkay and Abra Super Effectively, But you'd get OHKO'D before you even bug Bited.
Shield Dust prevents Attacks from Porygon to not Freeze or Paralyze you, but It still sucks anyways so It's Ability doesn't help, Bug Bite Is Stab and Is already said, Hits Super Effectively, Tackle for Ferroseed, You can also run String Shot for Momentum, But Overall, Please don't use Caterpie.
