
Gen 8 LC
You shouldn't Use Caterpie, She's too frail and she gets Countered by Everything, But she's cute, So we let It slide.
Caterpie @ Choice Band
Ability: Shield Dust
Level: 5
EVs: 196 Atk / 76 Def / 236 Spe
Jolly Nature
IVs: 0 SpA
- Bug Bite
- Tackle
This set Tries to make Caterpie a Wallbreaker being able to hit Carvanha, Inkay and Abra Super Effectively, But you'd get OHKO'D before you even bug Bited.
Shield Dust prevents Attacks from Porygon to not Freeze or Paralyze you, but It still sucks anyways so It's Ability doesn't help, Bug Bite Is Stab and Is already said, Hits Super Effectively, Tackle for Ferroseed, You can also run String Shot for Momentum, But Overall, Please don't use Caterpie.