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I feel like getting a Nidoking/Nidoqueen, but I dunno which is better for my HG in-game team. Here's my current:

Lui - Thyplosion (M)
Haru - Espeon (F)
Pudding - Quagsire (M)
Cloud - Dragonair (M)
Seli - Ampharos (F)
Gumdrop - Crobat (F)

Ah, and since my team is full, is there any mons worth getting rid off in order to put in Nidoking/Queen? If there isn't, then you can just answer this and inform me that I don't need to remove any mons :]

Any sort of help would be funky!!

Of those two, Nidoking would likely be the best one. Nidoking's higher offensive stats are more valuable in a playthrough. You should replace Crobat.
Really? I really loved my crobat though :[
Dragonite and Gyarados are better Flying types, and Nidoking is stronger physically, almost as strong specially, and has a much bigger offensive movepool.
But Gyarados doesn't learn any Flying-type moves.
...Defensive typing...? also, I'm not sure if you know, but it can learn bounce 'cause of a move tutor :P
Graveler is better than both Nidoqueen and Nidoking. It evolves earlier, learns earthquake earlier, and can raise its own stats with defense curl and rock polish.
Offensively, their flying typing doesnt do them many favors, but stacking weaknesses to ice/electric and rock generally isn't a good idea
I'd say Dragonite is probably one of the worse flying Pokemon, mostly because you get Dratini at a very low level, and it takes a lot of experience to level up, evolve, and learn good moves. Gyarados is definitely the best flying Pokemon because you can get a level 50 Magikarp by using repels on Route 43. Crobat is somewhere in the middle.

2 Answers

1 vote

Decent all round stats
Great movepool
Decent typing
4x resistant to poison
Good against most gyms
Reliant on TMs
Its stats make it more of a jack of all trades, master of none
Some bad weaknesses
Decent all round stats
Great movepool
4x resistant to poison
Good against most gyms
Decent typing
Jack of all trades, master of none
Some bad weaknesses
Reliant on TMs
Overall, Nidoking is the best. Ingame is all offense, and Nidoking has better offensive stats. Remove Crobat as its only good stat is speed, and it has mediocre offensive stats and coverage. I hope I've helped!

edited by
Also, do you want a moveset for Nidoking?
Your Pro’s and Con’s of both look almost identical...
I know, because the Nidos are similar.
0 votes

Replace Ampharos with Nidoking, if you must. Nidoking is better then Nidoqueen, and it is a beast if used properly. It can make quick work of Jasmine in the Olivine City Gym. It also is good against a lot of the Kanto gyms.

If the asker already has a Dragonite then they've probably beaten the Olivine Gym's level 30 Pokemon already. Why replace Ampharos if you can replace Crobat?
I got myself an Ampharos to get coverage against water and flying (plus I love electric types too so why not :P). Plus yeah Ignis is right. I have beaten Jasmine.