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May is spring in B2W2. Change your clock if there are no ice Pokemon in spring.

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You can get many Ice Types in other seasons:
You can catch a Dewgong at all of it's locations in any season.
You can catch a Beartic in any season on Twist Mountain.
You can catch a Crygonal in any season on Twist Mountain.
You can catch a Sneasel in any season in the Giant Chasm.
You can catch a Delibird in any season in any of it's locations.
You can catch a Lapras in any season at the Village Bridge.
You can catch a Vanillish and a Vanilluxe in any season in the Giant Chasm.
You can catch a Kyurem in the Giant Chasm.
You can catch Shellder, and it's evolved form, Cloyster in all of their locations.(They share all their locations.)
Finally, you can catch a Piloswine, and a Mamoswine, also, in the Giant Chasm.
This does not include Glaceon, who is evolution exclusive of Eevee, or any uncatchable, only by breeding, Pokemon.

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