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3 votes

I would assume that if for instance in a doubles battle your Pokemon uses Bulldoze it couldn't become a critcal hit and increased damage for every Pokemon hit but for each Pokemon there is a chance its a crit .


1 Answer

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If a Bulldoze crits 1 Pokemon, it has the normal 1/16 (gens 1 through 6) chance to crit and the 1/24 chance to crit (since gen 7 and beyond currently).

In this replay, my Hydreigon crits his Meowscarada and Appletun on Turn 2 but doesn't crit his Sandaconda.

On Turn 4, my Hydreigon only crits the Sandaconda but not the other Pokemon. However, with guaranteed crit chance (Focus Energy plus Scope Lens), AOE attacks always crit all Mons that it hits, as shown on Turn 3 where I crit all Pokemon on the field. Thanks for RisingManectric for helping with testing.

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Wouldnt a better replay be:
Turn 1 mon uses focus energy
Turn 2 crit one enemy
Turn 3 crit both enemies

And wasnt gen 1 crit chance based on speed