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I kinda want a Steelix but the only thing between me and that Steelix is getting a metal coat.


2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

After you beat the elite four and lance the game will give credits to the creators and the game will restart.
you will be in your room as in the other games and your mom says proffesor elm wants something, you will get the ticket to the boat in Olivine City wich goes to kanto, after you play hide and seek with the girl her grandpa will give you a metal coat as a thank you for playing with her.

what is a metal coat
its an item that you give to ethier onix or syther and trade them to evovle  them it may boost something but im not sure
0 votes

You can get the tm46 for the move thief in the rocket hideout teach it to anything on your team then use it on wild magnetimite, there is a 2% chance you will find one holding a metal coat. Hopefully this helps :)

https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Metal_Coat says it's a 5% chance. Also it's probably easier to get it from the Pokeathlon Dome than from wild Pokemon.
Sorry, I swear it was 2% in HGSS and 5% in G/S/C unless I'm getting them mixed up