For example Yveltal cannot be shiny, but pikachu for example can.
Unreleased Shinies These Pokémon have been released in GO but their shiny forms are not yet available: Meowth (Galarian) Slowpoke (Galarian) Farfetch'd (Galarian) Weezing (Galarian) Mr. Mime (Galarian) Hoothoot Spinarak Hoppip Unown (B / D / E / H / I / J / K / M / N / P / Q / S / V / W / X / Y / Z / ! / ?) Girafarig Heracross (will be available during "Ultra Unlock Part 2: Space") Slugma Corsola (will be available at an unspecified date) Remoraid Mantine Tyrogue Hitmontop Surskit Shroomish Shedinja Gulpin Numel Torkoal Cacnea Corphish Castform (Sunny / Snowy) Tropius Spheal Relicanth Jirachi Deoxys (Attack / Defense / Speed) Starly Combee Pachirisu Cherubi Shellos Chingling Stunky Chatot Munchlax Carnivine Finneon Rotom Uxie Mesprit Azelf Palkia (will be available during "Ultra Unlock Part 2: Space") Victini Oshawott Purrloin Pansage Pansear Panpour Munna Blitzle Drilbur Sewaddle Venipede Cottonee Petilil Basculin Sandile Darumaka (Galarian) Maractus Scraggy Sigilyph Yamask (Galarian) Tirtouga Archen Gothita Solosis Ducklett Vanillite Deerling Emolga Karrablast Foongus Frillish Joltik Tynamo Elgyem Litwick Axew Cryogonal Shelmet Stunfisk Mienfoo Golett Pawniard Bouffalant Vullaby Tornadus (Therian) Thundurus (Therian) Reshiram Zekrom Landorus (Therian) Kyurem Meloetta Genesect (Burn Drive) Chespin Fennekin Froakie Litleo Pancham Espurr Spritzee Swirlix Binacle Skrelp Clauncher Goomy Klefki Noibat Xerneas Yveltal
Event-Exclusive Shinies These Pokémon cannot be shiny except during special events or research quests: Ditto Mew Unown (A / C / F / G / L / O / R / T / U) (Shiny Unown U is available during the "Ultra Unlock" events) Smeargle Celebi