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I am playing a Nuzlocke in Pokemon fire red, and am scared to go against brock because I have a charmander, which is weak until it gets metal claw, and even then its hit or miss. I dont want to do too much grinding, but at the same time I really have to get it first try or I fail the Nuzlocke. What level should I get my charmander to to have a guaranteed victory first try?

What Pokemon did you catch on Route 1, 2, Viridian Forest, and Route 22
It depends on what else you have.
If you got a Mankey, you should be fine.
unluckily, I didnt get a mankey, which would have been really helpful, but I got a weedle, rattata, and caterpie. I was thinking of grinding either the weedle or the caterpie for grass moves, but I thought my charmander would be faster
because I would have to get a weedle or caterpie through a kakuna or metapod which is hard to train
WAIT i just realized i forgot to get one from route 22 i will be right back with results from that
well i have good news and bad news.

good news is, I got a mankey!
bad news is I lost my weedle to the rival fight ;(
That's okay, they're found in a lot of other places. Congrats on getting a Mankey.
thanks but the quickest fighting move mankey learns is karate chop at level 13 and thats gonna be hard to get to with only wild pokemon exp ( I already fought all the trainers up to Brock)
That's not for FRLG, in FRLG he learns low kick at 6, and karate chop at 12.
oh cool but is low kick fighting
Yes, that's why I said it.
alright ive done some grinding do you think a level 14 charmander and a level 9 mankey is enough to beat a level 10 geodude and a level 12 onix?
Yes, use Metal Claw Charmander on Geodude, since it doesn't actually have a rock move, and then use Low Kick Mankey on Onix and you should be good. Maybe just in case train Mankey a bit more, make it an even 10. Good job, and don't forget to click the checkmark
alright im going on with a level 11 mankey
bro i won so yay but I way over prepared onix literally did 6 damage to my mankey and geodude did nothing to charmander XD heck i could have beaten him with just a level 9 mankey but its ok ill have higher levels for mt moon
XD! Congrats, it's always better to be over prepared in a nuzlocke than not prepared enough and lose a 'mon because of it. Also, remember to click the green checkmark in the top right of my answer please.
By the way, what ability does your Mankey have?
idk and for some reason its not there or else I would ive selected best answers before but now its not there
It happens like that, scroll down, and if you see a comment box open, press cancel, then scroll down to my answer and it'll be there.
ahhhh that was it my comment box was open
It happens all the time to me.

1 Answer

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Don't train Charmander, train Mankey, it's got super effective STAB, and is resistant to Brock's Rock Moves. Now, in order to get a Fighting Move, you should train it to Level 6 to get low kick, but you should probably train till level 12 or 13 anyway, by then it'll have Karate Chop too, a good move for Geodude since it's much lighter than Onix, so Low Kick won't do nearly as much Damage to it, and you'll be more matched up level wise, it may take a while, but if you stay at 6, your Mankey's gonna die, it won't be strong enough even with resistance. Low Kick is actually really good on his Onix, as it'll have 120 power against it.

Source: Knowlege and the pokedex pages for Geodude, Onix, and Mankey.

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