PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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It seems sometimes that many are very similar are there any that share a cry.

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They probably have a few different sounds in them, but not many.
As far as l know, every Pokemon has it's own cry, except for Charizard and Rhydon which have the same cry.  

(+) Oops! Not Rhydon, Rhyhorn! Hehehe!

2 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

Cries were overhauled in Generation VI, so no Pokemon have identical cries -- though some are still similar sounding, particularly those related via evolutionary chains. Prior to Generation VI, there were two pairs of Pokemon with identical cries:

  • Charizard and Rhyhorn
  • Poliwag and Ditto

Depending on how you define "unique", you might consider Pokemon like Charmander and Charmeleon to have the same cry -- the only difference is a pitch change. Cries that were notably similar to each before (but not identical) before Generation VI include:

  • Caterpie and Goldeen
  • Wigglytuff and Poliwhirl
  • Vileplume and Aerodactyl
  • Machop and Omanyte

For more information, I recommend Bulbapedia's page on cries.

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2 votes

Every Pokemon has their own unique cry except for charizard and rhyhorn. Omanyte's and Machop's cry seem the same but omanyte has a half dup step faster cry .

how do you know this on the first place..........
I just know.