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So a few months back, I asked this question involving how Haunter and Gastly are both tiered in NFE, but it turns out that Haunter was actually banned from that tier, so it's technically in (PU). To my surprise, Gothita and Gothorita are also both in NFE, as Gothita was banned from LC. I'm pretty sure this is the only occurrence of a Pokemon being in the same tier as its evolution (Aside from Kadabra and Alakazam in Gen 3 UUBL, but that's a whole other story). So, should I ever use Gothorita over Gothita in Gen 8 NFE?

Also, if there isn't a more in-depth answer than "No because Gothita is the pre-evolution of Gothorita", feel free to hide this question.


1 Answer

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Best answer

Ah. The Gothitelle line, known for having one of the most broken abilities, Shadow Tag(which is banned but still cool). In addition, it is a psychic type, which I think is cool :).

Anyways, let's get to it, shall we?

Gothorita is probably your best bet, as since it has more offense, it can actually threaten some of the 'mons in the tier. Here are some calc examples, which I will also compare with the exact same with gothita.

  • +2 252+ SpA Gothita Psychic vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Eviolite Clefairy: 178-210 (51.7 - 61%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
  • +2 252+ SpA Gothorita Psychic vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Eviolite Clefairy: 211-250 (61.3 - 72.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

  • +2 252+ SpA Gothorita Psychic vs. 252 HP / 0+ SpD Eviolite Golbat: 344-408 (97.1 - 115.2%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO

  • +2 252+ SpA Gothita Psychic vs. 252 HP / 0+ SpD Eviolite Golbat: 290-344 (81.9 - 97.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

  • 252+ SpA Gothita Psychic vs. 192 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Ivysaur: 152-180 (49.1 - 58.2%) -- 95.3% chance to 2HKO

  • 252+ SpA Gothorita Psychic vs. 192 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Ivysaur: 182-216 (58.8 - 69.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

So, as you can see, Gothita can miss on some very important 2HKOs and OHKOs. This makes it challenging to justify. In addition, there doesn't seem to be any relevant moves that Gothita has, that Gorthorita doesn't have. Gothorita can use Eviolite better due to its better Special defense and Defense. This makes it, overall a better choice.


Gothorita is quite bad. I wouldn't use it. However, between the two, Gothorita is better.

edited by
Shadow tag is banned in NFE. Competitive Gothorita is still pretty useful, though.
Oh, woops. Thanks