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I just caught a gastly in the grand underground and I want to have fire punch on it. The problem is that I don’t have the national dex yet so the dusknoir line is unavailable. Can I get a fire punch gastly before the national dex?

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1 Answer

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There are two ways.

  1. The Dusknoir line is not actually unavailable. In the Dazzling Cave in the Grand Underground, Duskull can be found as a Special Encounter. This means you can run in and out of the cave to reset the Pokemon inside, and a Duskull (it has to be male) will pop up eventually. Then, if you evolve Duskull into Dusclops, and take it to the move reminder, it can learn Fire Punch. Then, breed your Male Dusclops with your Female Gastly, and you should get a baby Gastly that knows Fire Punch.

  2. Pokemon found in the Grand Underground can have egg moves, so you can grind Gastly encounters until you find one with Fire Punch. It is not known what the odds are but they are not too low.


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I would like to note that Duskull is in the Grand Underground before the national dex and can be evolved into a Dusclops that can learn Fire Punch from the move reminder.
Thanks I was taking them for their word