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Question says it all. I would like detail, and a thorough answer.

Both of them take a lot of experience to evolve and have bad stats until then. Use Swellow, Pelipper, or Crobat instead
Well one mega stone is locked to the post game (Salamence's) and the other is not locked to post game. (Altaria's)
I need a dragon type, not a flying type
Why would you need a dragon?
I want one, but mainly for drake
Why don't you just use a Swampert, Gyarados, or Medicham with an ice attack?

1 Answer

4 votes
Best answer

As surprising as this may seem, Mega Altaria is the better choice simply because you can't get Mence's key stone before the elite four. Hell I don't think it is even available for use during the delta episode. Altaria may be an absolute garbage of a Pokemon but it actually becomes very strong upon mega evolving

Assuming that you have access to both mega stones, whether you trade for it or gen it into the game, then it simply becomes a matter of patience. Salamence is a huge pain in the ass to level up while Altaria is not, compared to Mence at least. If you have the patience to raise a Salamence then absolutely go for it. It is stronger and faster than Altaria and it has a very colorful movepool

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Thanks! If I could get Bagon and his mega Stone from trading with a friend in the early game, which one? (Also, Bagon isn't available till after the 8th gym because he only spawns in a specific area of Meteor Falls, and you need the Waterfall HM to get there. And you don't get that until after the 8th gym. And Salamencite isn't available until after the Delta Episode)
That depends on you. I'd say go for Salamence even though its a pain to level up because its much better in every single way
Yeah I guess I will. Thanks!