PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Are you going to use one of these Pokemon in PU? If not, what are you using these Pokemon for?
I don't think either are even ranked in the vr and that they're both untiered
Appletun is ranked in there.
Both are offensive, a curse apple set  and Mr Rime for fairy, psychic and ice coverage and screen cleaner.

2 Answers

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Best answer

Both are relatively slow, specially offensive Pokemon.
Mr Rime has higher speed and special attack, but lacks the addional bulk that appletun provides.
It would be easier to say that you should choose based of whether or not you want bulk or speed, but it's not that simple.
Appletun has good defensive moves in Leech seed and recover, but lacks toxic. Any competitive player knows the significance of toxic on a defensive/stall Pokemon.
Mr Rime has excellent coverage.
Thanks to it's offensive typing it can deal super effective damage to 5 types.
With dazzling gleam, energy ball, focus blast, thunderbolt and shadow ball included, this total increases massively.
Mr Rime has great special attack especially when supported with life orb, but since it's not bulky and has rather average speed, it can't make use of it.

Appletun might seem like the better option, but it's coverage makes the decision hard. With coverage mostly catering to it's physical attack, which is lower than it's special attack, it's hard to get appletun good coverage.

Since PU is not the most powerful tier, both Pokemon, who are obviously not that good, might still have use.

I would pick Mr Rime, but then another problem rises.
Absol, Aggron and Archeops, can all deal offensive damage to Mr Rime, while Archeops and Absol outspeed and have priority.
These are just a few of the challenges that Mr Rime is up against.
Appletun has it's weaknesses, but they are not as extreme thanks to its better defensive typing and defensive stats.

Overall, I'd choose Mr Rime and pair it up with a Pokemon that I can switch out to.
The offensive ability of Mr Rime is something much better than the defensive or offensive ability of Appletun.

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Do you have a set in mind?
You can find sets for Pokémon in their respective threads here. Smogon also hosts sets for competitively viable Pokémon across different formats.
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Why is Appletun ranked in the viability rankings? What tiny niche does it have? Why is Mr. Rime unranked? What things outclass it?

Appletun is sort of there as a relic of a previous metagame, and probably should be removed in the next VR slate. It just kinda sucks for the most part unfortunately. Mr. Rime is a similar case, in recent metagames it could've been used as an offensive Rapid Spin user; however, right now it really struggles to accomplish much especially in a metagame plagued by Gigalith, Doublade and fast hyper offenses. Someone nominating both to unranked would not look out of place in a nominations post for sure.

Use Ferroseed or Eldegoss if you want a bulky grass, Articuno if you want a bulky ice, Uxie if you want a bulky psychic, or Sandslash or Eldegoss if you want a rapid spin user.

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What is Appletun niche? I want to know.
I guess it used to be a bulky grass that can break a few walls with choice specs?
Oh I wouldn't find that though I guess it is.