Gen 9 NU Belly Drum

Cetitan @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Slush Rush
Tera Type: Ground / Dark
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature
- Belly Drum
- Ice Shard
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
If you feel like using Snow in NU, here is a Belly Drum set for Cetitan it can use on those teams. However, unlike the standard Belly Drum sets you usually see with Ice Shard, Earthquake, and a stronger Ice STAB, this set doesn't use Ice Spinner or Icicle Crash. The reason is because if it does so, Cetitan will run into Pokemon such as Bronzong and Tauros-Paldea-Aqua that can give it trouble. This set instead uses Cetitan's coverage moves to be able to handle those cores that would otherwise give it trouble, and you have Tera if you want to have a STAB move.
With Snow and Aurora Veil support, Cetitan can get off a Belly Drum so it can proceed to break through teams or clean through them if the opposing team is weakened or lacks an answer to Cetitan. Ice Shard is the only Ice STAB move on this set, being useful to vibe check faster Pokemon that don't resist it, which is useful if Snow isn't up. Earthquake allows Cetitan to hit Fire-, Steel-, Poison-, and Rock-types such as Chandelure, Incineroar, Hisuian Typhlosion, Klefki, Copperajah, Diancie, Iron Thorns, and Registeel, Toxicroak, and Tentacruel. Plus, Earthquake offers nice nuetral coverage for Cetitan to hit Pokemon that resist Ice Shard. Knock Off rounds this set's coverage, being able to hit Bronzong, who would otherwise wall you, and being useful to hit remove items from checks such as Vaporeon, and is useful to hit Pokemon such as Rotom-Heat and Tera Steel Flygon. You can consider Play Rough over Earthquake to hit Fighting-types for decent chip if Cetitan doesn't get off a Belly Drum, but Play Rough doesn't really cover anything that Earthquake doesn't already cover. Sitrus Berry gives Cetitan HP recovery back after using Belly Drum so it can avoid being put in range of powerful attacks. Jolly Nature lets Cetitan outspeed the relevant Scarf Pokemon in NU while Snow is up, though you can consider Adamant Nature for more power. Tera Ground is used to make Earthquake STAB, while Tera Dark can be used if you want Knock Off to be Cetitan's powerful STAB move.