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If you have a good competitive moveset for Sneasler, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Sneasler Pokedex & learnset for reference.

Sneasler sprite

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8 Answers

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Gen 9 Monotype Choiced (Fighting/Poison)

Sneasler @ Choice Scarf / Choice Band
Ability: Poison Touch
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dire Claw
- U-turn / Switcheroo
- Close Combat
- Toxic Spikes / Fire Punch

While Unburden is a nice Ability for Sneaseler, it really isn't as good in practice in the Monotype meta with hazards being everywhere. That means if you want to use Sneasler in Monotype, a Choiced set is most likely the best set to use in that format. Dire Claw is used for the Poison STAB due to its Ability to either paralyze, poison, or put a Pokemon to sleep. U-turn allows Sneasler to switch out against Pokemon it cannot beat. Switcheroo can be used instead to cripple Pokemon such as Toxapex, Amoonguss, Corviknight, and Clodsire. Close Combat is used for a powerful Fighting STAB. The last move depends on which type you use Sneasler on. If you use Sneasler on Fighting, Toxic Spikes is used to spread poison around grounded Pokemon. It may sound like a wierd on a Choiced set, but it works since Choiced Sneasler can force switches, allowing it to setup Toxic Spikes. If you use this on Poison, Fire Punch is used to hit Pokemon such as Gholdengo and Corviknight super effectively. Sneasler can run either Choice Scarf or Choice Band on Fighting teams, while Sneasler should use Choice Band on Poison teams for more breaking power. Poison Touch is the Ability since the other two Abilities it has aren't exactly useful on this set.

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OU Doubles Sweeper

Sneasler (F) @ Mirror Herb
Ability: Unburden
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Dire Claw
- Night Slash
- Acrobatics

The strategy for this set is to have an ally use Swagger on an enemy, triggering the Mirror Herb to be consumed, giving a +2 boost to Sneasler's Attack. With the Mirror Herb being consumed, Unburden will activate, doubling its already insane Speed stat. Now that you caught your opponent off guard, you can sweep through their team, or at least a few of their Pokémon. One Pokémon that can fill this role is Grimsnarl, which has access to Prankster Swagger and Thunder Wave, which Confusion + Paralysis = Unfun time for the opponent

Tera Dark is what I recommend, as it turns Sneasler's 4x weakness into an Immunity, which can catch your opponent off guard. A more offensive option could be Poison, mostly to boost the power of Sneasler's Poison moves, as they may be shy from getting an OHKO. Adamant Nature is better than Jolly, imo, as Sneasler already outspeeds Max Speed Regieleki with the Unburden boost, so it's overkill to do so. Not to mention, it makes getting those OHKOs much easier

As for EVs, you can alter them to be more effective depending on what Pokemon are being used and which ones are. Sneasler is surprisingly bulky on the special side, for a Pokemon with such high Speed and Attack, at least, so points put into Speed can easily be put into HP or Sp. Defense instead to take some hits better

Close Combat is for Fighting STAB, although could be changed to Brick Break if you want to have a counter to screens, but due to being much weaker and thus not working very well with the Sweeping strategy. Dire Claw is for Poison STAB, and has a 50% chance to Poison/Sleep/Paralyze the target. Both Sleeping and Paralyzing the target can be very helpful and can come in clutch with the right luck. Some possible replacements could be Gunk Shot, due to it having a much higher BP, but only has 80% accuracy, which could be detrimental if it misses, thus I prefer the more consistent of the two (Also it has a 30% chance to poison the target). Another Option is Poison Jab which in terms of BP and Accuracy are the same, although Poison Jab has more PP, and has a 30% chance to poison the target. Poison isn't going to be as useful as Sleep or Paralysis, so unless you specifically want the Poison status, go with Dire Claw.

Night Slash provides Coverage, and STAB when Terastalized (See Dark Tera explanation). While there are other, more powerful coverage moves available to Sneasler, the Dark type can counter the Pychic types that pose a great threat against Sneasler's STAB moves. Tera Blast is another strong option, but provides almost no coverage when not Terastalized. If you choose a Tera type other than Dark, this slot becomes just a flex slot. Finally, the last slot can be any coverage move, but I recommend Acrobatics to take advantage of the doubled BP when you aren't holding an item, although this slot is easily flexible depending on the needs of the team. To name a few options; Swords Dance, Protect, X-Scissor, Rock Slide

TLDR: Swagger + Unburden combo makes Sneasler Go brrrr, Dark tera for Uno Reverse on Psychic, Close Combat, and Dire Claw are consistent STAB, leaving two slots for coverage.

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Gen 9 Ubers

Sneasler @ White Herb
Ability: Unburden
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Acrobatics
- Fake Out / Swords Dance
- Dire Claw

A great Unburden user that can destroy teams. Tera Flying for STAB Acrobatics. Adamant nature since your speed will be doubled after one CC. Close Combat for 120 base power with lowering both defenses by 1, but White Herb will remove that making it a free base 120 move. Acrobatics for 110 base power without your item. Fake Out to flinch opponents and making them decide if they still want to set up or not, or Swords Dance to setup yourself. Dire Claw for STAB and has a chance for Poison/Sleep/Para.

Hope you enjoy this set!

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I don’t think Fake Out is really worth it without a Normal Gem. Probably Swords Dance over it.
I believe Fake Out is kind of useful, but Swords Dance is good too.
0 votes

Unburden Sweeper

Sneasler @ White Herb / Red Card / Grassy Seed / Psychic Seed / Electric Seed
Ability: Unburden
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Acrobatics
- Close Combat
- Gunk Shot / Dire Claw

This Sneasler set dishes out high amounts of damage and with a Swords Dance up, it can sweep whole teams. The item of choice depends on whether you are using terrain or not. White Herb can get rid of Close Combat defense drops. Red Card can force a switch, and can be especially useful if you switch Sneasler into a predicted attack. The terrain seeds can give Sneasler a defense boost that can help Sneasler get off a Swords Dance safely. These items are all easily consumable in order to activate Unburden. The Flying tera type in tandem with Acrobatics adds to the snowball effect of the set. Swords Dance for added attack power. Acrobatics for coverage when the item is used up. Close Combat is strong STAB and can activate the White Herb. Gunk Shot is strong STAB, but Dire Claw can be used for a much safer option that can help neutralize a threat with devastating statuses such as paralysis and particularly sleep.

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Sneasler @ Focus Sash
Ability: Poison Touch
Tera Type: Normal / Fighting / Bug
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Taunt
- U-turn
- Toxic Spikes / Dire Claw / Close Combat / Counter

This Sneasler set is heavily meant to spread status and annoy common lead Pokemon who mindlessly click Stealth Rock or other forms of hazards. Focus Sash almost ensures your survival against lead Pokemon for a turn. Poison Touch is the main focus of this set, allowing you to poison opposing Pokemon very often. Fake Out breaks other Focus Sashes and gives an opportunity for Poison Touch to activate. Taunt stops many important status moves such as Stealth Rock, Spikes, Sticky Web, Toxic Spikes, Reflect, Light Screen, and even opposing Taunters. With Sneasler's blazing speed, you should almost always be able to get up a Taunt before the opponent can act. U-turn is a strong pivot option that gives yet another opportunity for Poison Touch. Toxic Spikes can allow you to set up your own hazards, while Dire Claw spreads status offensively, and Close Combat is a strong STAB move. Counter can punish any physical attackers who attempt to take out Sneasler. Tera Normal can be used to boost Fake Out damage, Tera Fighting to boost Close Combat damage, and Tera Bug to boost U-turn damage.

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Posting a moveset for Hisuian Sneasel because I can.

Gen 9 NU Swords Dance

Sneasel-Hisui @ Eviolite
Ability: Inner Focus
Tera Type: Grass / Dark / Psychic
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Close Combat
- Gunk Shot
- Trailblaze / Night Slash / Tera Blast

Hisuian Sneasel is actually pretty good in Gen 9 NU due, so here is a Swords Dance set. Swords Dance boosts Hisuian Sneasel's attack to make it a scary threat. Close Combat and Gunk Shot are used for powerful STAB moves. The last move depends on what you want Hisuian Sneasel to beat. Trailblaze is used to boost Hisuian Sneasel's speed so it can outspeed Choice Scarf Pokemon. If you use Trailblaze, use Tera Grass to not only boost the power of Trailblaze, but allows Hisuian Sneasel to setup on Stealth Rock Sandaconda since they use Stone Edge over Glare(except for the 3 people on ladder who still use Glare Sandaconda). Tera Grass makes Hisuian Sneasel resist Sandaconda's Earthquake, which is nice. Night Slash is used to hit Ghost-types such as Rotom, Drifblim, and Haunter. Tera Dark is used with Night Slash to boost the power of Night Slash in addition to turn Hisuian Sneasel's x4 Psychic weakness into an immunity. Tera Blast with Psychic as the Tera Type is a funny option that allows Hisuian Sneasel to snipe Poison-types named Qwilfish, Muk, Toxicroak, and opposing Hisuian Sneasel. Eviolite is used as the item to give Hisuian Sneasel a little more bulk. Inner Focus is used as the Ability to prevent Intimidate Qwilfish from lowering its Attack stat.

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Why is this set not here, its everywhere.

Beeg Sneasel (Sneasler) @ Normal Gem
Ability: Unburden
Tera Type: Fighting / Flying
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Close Combat
- Dire Claw
- Acrobatics / Swords Dance
Fake Out + Normal Gem activates Unburden. Close Combat is STAB, Dire Claw is STAB and can be annoying with the status chance, Acrobatics hits very hard with tera Flying, but Swords Dance can be used to raise its attack.

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Gen 9 Monotype
Sneasler@White Herb
Ability: Unburden
Tera Type: Dark / Flying
EVs: 252Atk / 252Spe / 4SpD
Jolly Nature
-Dire Claw
-Close Combat
-Knock Off

Sneasler is a fast Pokémon that can become even faster after consuming the White Herb by using Close Combat, Acrobatics power is doubled after consuming the White Herb, and if Flying Tera Type is chosen, the damage is even more boosted. Knock Off and Dire Claw don't have an specific use but are handy moves. Dark Tera Type is for Psychic moves, that Sneasler would be very weak against, it would also boost Knock Off's damage.
