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If you have a good competitive moveset for Sandy Shocks, post an answer below and upvote the best ones.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Sandy Shocks Pokedex & learnset for reference.

Sandy Shocks sprite

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6 Answers

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Gen 9 Monotype All-Out-Attacker (Ground/Electric)

Sandy Shocks @ Choice Scarf / Choice Specs
Ability: Protosynthesis
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Earth Power
- Thunderbolt
- Power Gem
- Volt Switch

A Choiced Attacker Sandy Shocks set for Gen 9 Monotype. Earth Power and Thunderbolt are used for STAB moves. Earth Power targets Pokemon such as Clodsire, Iron Moth, opposing Sandy Shocks, and Iron Hands, while Thunderbolt zaps Pokemon such as Corviknight, Pelipper, Dondozo, and Gyarados. Power Gem provides coverage against Pokemon such as Volcarona, Rotom-Heat, Abomasnow, and Kilowattrel. Power Gem alongside Earth Power forms a special version of the EdgeQuake (GemPower in this case?) combo. Volt Switch is used to switch out and escape Pokemon who wall Sandy Shocks. Choice Scarf can be used to let Sandy Shocks provide Speed Control and be a revenge killer, while Choice Specs is used to boost Sandy Shocks' breaking power.

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Gen 9 OU strong, bulky, yet speedy, set (for both doubles and singles)
Item: Booster Energy
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Flying (chose it because it handles Sandy Shocks’ Grass weakness)
EVs: 252 Spe, 232 SpA, 26 Def
Timid (lowers Atk, boosts Spe)
- Thunderbolt
- Earth Power
- Flash Cannon
- Tera Blast

Thunderbolt and Earth Power are STAB. Flash Cannon is for Ice and Rock coverage once Terastalized. Tera Blast is because Sandy Shocks can’t learn any Flying moves normally.

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Gen 9 Monotype Gravity (Ground)

Sandy Shocks @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Electric
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Gravity
- Earth Power
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch

This has only one main job: setup Gravity, then spam Earth Power. This set harasses Steel teams since Gravity can allow the Sandy Shocks user to mindlessly click Earth Power against Steel teams. (Yes Orthworm exists, but no one really uses it, so...) Thunderbolt and Volt Switch are used for Electric STABs, with Thunderbolt being for power while Volt Switch is used for pivoting. Heavy-Duty Boots is used for the item so Sandy Shocks doesn't get affected by hazards.

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Singles Anti-Bears Sandy Shocks

Sandy Shocks @ Booster Energy
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Bug
EVs 252 SpA / 248 Spd / 4 SpD / 4 Def
Timid Nature
- Earth Power
- Thunderbolt
- Gravity / Spikes
- Eerie Impulse

Are you tired of the current bear meta in Singles matches? Are you looking for a counter to them, but just can't find the right team member for the job with the right coverage, support moves or stats? Meet Tera Bug Sandy Shocks!

This terrifying abomination of a Paradox Pokémon just might be the surprisingly perfect piece to your team building puzzle. With this build, Sandy Shocks can out play any opposing leading bears in an instant! Ones such as the Ursaluna Bloodmoon and Urshifu Multi Strike forms will be handled handily, as Sandy Shocks can out speed both of them. Urshifu literally cannot do anything if it isn't Speed EV invested and Choice Scarfed! Just send a STAB Thunderbolt its way and they won't even be a contender. As for Ursaluna Bloodmoon, you'll be sleeping just fine on this red tinted night as you can simply cut that Sp Atk stat in HALF using Eerie Impulse. Being a big slow bear weighed down by peat, it won't be out speeding anything anytime soon, so you can survive even a Bloodmoon blast if you lower it's main attacking stat. And if it tries anything funny by using Earth Power or Earthquake, simply switch to your Tera Bug typing to resist those dirty tactics! The Bug type will also defend you against Fighting moves from Urshifu, if it attempts to read a different type change from you.

But surely, bears aren't your only problem. That's why Sandy Shocks has a couple more strategies up its sandy sleeves! It's also capable of covering any special stat related weaknesses your team may be exposed to. Is there a Special Attacking sweeper you're worried about? Cut their attack power in half and tank whatever they throw at you! Having problems with Levitate Steel Tera types like Latios or Latias? Bring them down to earth with Gravity to lay down the hurt! Or perhaps you don't have many worries about flying or levitating set-up Mons, and would like some more support? Well, setting up Spikes to deal with Focus Sashes and tanky Steel, Rock or Fire types just might be what you need! And don't forget you can stack Spikes up to 2-3 times for a maximum of reducing the opponent's HP by 1/4 of their health (even more if they are weak to Ground type)!

As for what item to accessorize your Sandy Shocks with, if you don't have a Sunny Day setter, you ought to go with the extra power in Booster Energy, as it will boost Sandy Shocks most proficient stat (Sp Atk in this case). But if you do happen to have ways to induce harsh sunlight, perhaps putting an Absorb Bulb on would look nice? Baiting a water attack by changing your tera type will allow the bulb to increase your Sp Atk even more to really make sure those tanky types go down! Or if you take a weakened special attack (thanks to Eerie Impulse) that does super effective damage, you can make use of Weakness Policy to double your damage output. Really, if you have a sun setter on your team, you can customize this guy's item slot however you want.

Now go out there and make those bears and levitating jet dragons wish they never came out to online ranked battles!

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Nah bro wrote an entire essay for a moveset description.
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Sandy Shocks - Sounds like Bike Suspension

Sandy Shocks @ Booster Energy
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Electric
EVs: 132 HP / 144 SpA / 76 SpD / 156 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Volt Switch
- Earth Power

Volt switch is scouting and stab. Flash cannon is coverage, thunderbolt and EP are your main STABs.

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(Gen 9) National Dex Monotype Offensive Hazard Setter (Electric)

Sandy Shocks @ Groundium Z
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Electric
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Spikes
- Earth Power
- Thunderbolt

An offensive hazard setter set Sandy Shocks can use on Electric teams if you want to have a hazard setter. Sandy Shocks does take up the free slot after you have the required Electric Pokemon (Tapu Koko, Rotom-Wash, Zapdos, Iron Hands, and either Alolan Raichu or Regieleki), but it does put in work. Stealth Rock and Spikes provide support for the team, being able to put opposing Pokemon into range of your teammates' attacks. Sandy Shocks also beats most of the viable hazard removers in National Dex Monotype, which is nice to make sure the hazards stay up. Earth Power and Thunderbolt are the chosen attacks since they are a nice STAB combination that most Pokemon don't want to switch into. This does leave Sandy Shocks hard walled by the Landorus forms, Gliscor, and Thundurus-Therian, but remember, you have a team of 6 Pokemon for a reason. Groundium Z is the chosen item to have a one time nuke to break past Pokemon such as Ursaluna(you'll want to chip the bear prior to using the Z move, and the hazards can help), Mamoswine, Toxapex, Hisuian Goodra, and Mega Venusuar. I recommend having Regieleki as the terrain abuser to pair with Sandy Shocks, as it appreciates the hazards set by Sandy Shocks and can remove hazards on your side without having to also get rid of the hazards Sandy Shocks set.
