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Fuecoco is a Fire-type and Klawf is a Rock-type! Fire is weak to rock! Please help me to get the best Pokemon possible to beat Klawf after you chose Fuecoco! Maybe a Water or Fighting-type will work! And I will commenet on your answer!

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Is it possible to get a Lucario before battling Klawf?
Yes! Rarely seen in Southwest Peleda!

3 Answers

2 votes

SV has several good fighting Pokemon, like Quaquaval, Hawlucha, Flamigo, and Lucario. Quaquaval is unobtainable if you choose another starter, and Lucario is better if you catch it at a high level after defeating Klawf, so I recommend using Hawlucha or Flamigo.

Both of them can be caught at level 22 and 17, respectively, before battling Klawf. They have high physical attack and speed stats without needing to evolve and can immediately learn low kick, which is an easy 2HKO on Klawf. You can use wing attack a few times to prevent anger shell from activating. After defeating Klawf, their physical attack stats, offensive typing (especially if you use a scrappy Flamigo), and STAB moves' base power lets them continue steamrolling boss battles for the rest of the game. Acrobatics, high jump kick, and close combat are both powerful and spammable despite technically having drawbacks. They also learn useful coverage moves, like dig and stone edge for Hawlucha and throat chop for Flamigo.

1 vote

Psyduck is easily available in a lot of places, but South Province is as good of a place as any to find one.

South Province area 5 has Water Pulse on an island in the middle of a pond that you can grab to teach Psyduck.

If you have made it to Levincia City, Surf is available as well, and it should do enough damage to avoid Klawf going into Anger Shell if you manage your damage properly.

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0 votes

I think that Smoliv might be your best bet. Smoliv is a special attacker, and Klawf's special defense is only 55. On top of that, it's evolutions can prove very useful later in the game should you choose to keep it on the team. I should know because I used one.

For reference, you can find Smoliv west of Mezagoza, just outside the town where the bug gym is located. It is a very common spawn, so it shouldn't take you long to find one.

Hope I helped!

Source: Experience

But, Klawf knows Rock Smash, a Fighting-type move! So, I will go with a different Grass-type or Paldean Wooper!
How does Rock Smash change things
Because Smoliv is weak to Fighting.