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Ice Fang is weaker and has slightly less accuracy (65/95), but it has a 10% chance for each effect of either freezing the enemy or causing them to flinch. Meanwhile, Ice Spinner is stronger and has slightly more accuracy (80/100), and it always removes the effect of terrain, but the effect specifically only works for terrain, and using it may be detrimental to your side as well if you have a terrain set up. Thoughts between these two moves?
For further context, I am running a set of Earthquake and Body Press as STAB moves for my Great Tusk and a Steel-typed Tera Blast to give them a type that resists all of the types that they are normally weak against except for the Water type.

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probably ice spinner, great tusk isn't exactly fast so the flinch isn't that useful.
What do you want to do with this Great Tusk? Do you want to battle other people, in-game trainers, or something else?
I'm looking to battle other people for the most part, build my own kind of team to play against others after the main game is done and all.
What format/rules do you use? Singles or doubles? What Pokemon, moves, or abilities are banned?
I am still thinking about the format, but for now this is just to get into normal online battles and such first and foremost.

2 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

Generally speaking, Ice Spinner is always superior to Ice Fang. First off, Great Tusk is usually using Ice Spinner to hit problematic Pokemon like Landorus-T and Garchomp, and you generally want more power to KO them due to their solid defense preventing an OHKO. In this case, Ice Spinner has a greater chance to KO these Pokemon compared to Ice Fang, especially when compounded with previous chip, like from hazards. Secondly, Tusk usually doesn't benefit much from the terrains. The only one that benefits it slightly is when Headlong Rush sets heal from Grassy Terrain, but your Tusk uses Earthquake, so Grassy Terrain also hinders it. On the other hand, Ice Spinner removing Electric Terrain can actually greatly hinder the future Paradox Pokemon. Terrain is only a thing in National Dex formats, though, as the limited terrain setters in the base game means that it's usually only Grassy and Psyshic Terrain, set by Rillaboom and Indeedee.

All in all, Ice Spinner's greater damage alone provides greater value than Ice Fang. You really want this move to hit against the aforementioned problematic Pokemon, and you often want to hit them for as much damage as possible instead of rolling a dice to freeze or flinch (if you go first, that is).

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Great Tusk is currently banned in both BSS and VGC.
If you want to use Great Tusk in a different format, please tell me and I'll put this question back on the unanswered list (or post another answer about that format).

Okay, thank you.
You're welcome I guess.