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I'm playing White.

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Ice Punch isn't a move tutor move or a TM in BW.
Are you asking for a list of Pokémon that can learn it by level-up and egg moves, because as vy said, Ice Punch is not available in TM form or as a move tutor in Black/White.

2 Answers

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Ice punch is not a TM or tutor move in BW. Additionally, the Dream World was shut down in 2014, so the only way to learn ice punch is level up or breeding (or trade/transfer from another game, like Pt or B2W2).

These Pokemon can learn it by level up: Hitmonchan, Jynx, Medicham, Dusclops, Abomasnow, Dusknoir, Regigigas

These Pokemon can know it by breeding: Abra, Machop, Gastly, Drowzee, Totodile, Sneasel, Delibird, Smoochum, Elekid, Meditite, Buneary, Scraggy, Cubchoo

I don't think there's a good way to copy tables to this answer, so I'll just let you click this link to see what their levels and egg groups are.

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You can't get ice punch from a move tutor in Pokemon BW. But you can get it in B2W2 in Driftveil City. You just need 10 red shards. You can get red shard in:
[Route 4] Hidden between the first two stairways southeast of the vending machine (B2 only)
[Route 4] Hidden in deep sand near the western part of street (W2 only)
[Route 13] On a hill near Parasol Lady Laura (requires Strength)
[Route 22] Southeast of the Giant Chasm entrance
[Desert Resort] West to Backpacker Sam (video guide) & Hidden in deep sand, near Backpacker Walt
[Nimbasa City] From the Gentleman in the Pokémon Center (x10)
[Relic Passage] Hidden in a rock near Psychic Ena
[Victory Road] Hidden in a rock in cave (north)
[Dragonspiral Tower] 2F, hidden on a lone rock in the northern part
[Clay Tunnel] East side of the pond in second room
[Twist Mountain] On the north end of the highest tier of planks
[Reversal Mountain] Hidden in the southeastern part, in a rock (W2 only)

Ice punch is an egg move in BW. You can read https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Ice_Punch_(move) to see which Pokemon can learn it by level up and pass it to other Pokemon.
@Piscium10 The question asks for BW, not B2W2.