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For example, Landorus-T is returning in the HOME update later this year, but people say it won't have stuff like Knock Off and Toxic. Why? I thought home let you bring in any available Pokemon regardless of the moves on it.

Sorry if this is difficult to understand, explaining is not one of my strong points. Thanks in advance!

I believe I read somewhere that Pokemon transferred into SV will have their moves replaced with the moves they would have at that level if caught in SV (or something like that). As a lot of moves had distribution cut this gen, Pokemon transferred in will lose a lot of tricks they once had. Not sure how the move changes interact with Pokemon not in the Paldean Dex like Landorus.
Like in Sword and Shield, any Pokemon transferred in from a different game is only allowed to play competitively with a moveset that it could obtain in the game it's playing in. If Landorus-T doesn't have access to Knock Off or Toxic in SV, (despite it being in Paldea Dex or not, it's still in the game,) then it won't be able to use those moves in competitive.

No matter what moveset it has, if it is transferred from a different game, it will have to go through the "moveset deleter" NPC that will erase your current moveset and change it to the level up moveset your Pokemon would have at its specific level.

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Here is a direct quote from support.pokemon.com

"The moves a Pokémon can learn may differ between Pokémon Legends: Arceus, Pokémon Brilliant Diamond, Pokémon Shining Pearl, Pokémon Sword, Pokémon Shield, and other Pokémon games. For this reason, if a Pokémon is moved via Pokémon HOME to a game where it cannot learn its current move set, then its move set will be replaced with moves that it is able to learn in the target software.

"Your Pokémon’s move set is saved for each game that you have linked to Pokémon HOME. This means that even if its moves change after being transferred to a game where all or some of its original move set is unavailable, returning that Pokémon to a game it’s been to before will restore the last move set it had prior to being transferred out of it."

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Got it, thanks! Sorry I'm a few days late by the way