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1 vote

I'm a little worried about it, because its the final gym leader's, lead Pokémon, so its really strong and I want a way to get guaranteed good damage on it, without being vulnerable to its Twister move.

Which game?
I have to assume Emerald, since that's the only game Juan is a Gym Leader
The problem with that is None of Juan's Kingdras know a Dragon Type Move besides his PWT teams, and it's Dragon Pulse and not Twister.

2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

There isn't. Water dragon types can only be hit super effectively by dragon type moves until gen six wehn the fairy types came around. The move freeze dry also didn't come into existence until gen six. As such, you just have to hit Kingdra with your own dragon type. Also, Kingdra never knows twister when you fight it. THe only dragon type move it uses is dragon pulse

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Ok, sorry, I didn't know where to find its move list, so I just figured it was the four moves closest to its level.
3 votes

There are a few ways of getting Dragon Coverage in Gen 3, but very few of them are good.

You could try and find something with a Dragon Hidden Power, but that’s RNG based and requires a lot of testing, resetting, and a Hidden Power TM.

Outrage Existed in Gen 3, but there are hardly any non-Dragon options, only the Charizard and Tyranitar line learns them in any capacity. And both are weak to Kingdra’s Water typing.

Dragon Claw is also a potential Super Effective move, which can be learned by TM which is available from Meteor Falls in Gen 3. Non-Dragon Pokémon that can learn Dragon Claw in Gen 3 are Aerodactyl, Aggron, Charizard Line, Feraligatr Line, Groudon, Mew, Sceptile, and Tyranitar. Sceptile is the only plausible option that is not weak to Kingdra’s Water moves.

Dragon Breath is another option with Aerodactyl, Milotic Line, Steelix Line, Sceptile line, and Horsea/Seadra learning it, though most of these you’ll have to get it via an egg move which is less than ideal.

And finally, we have Twister. This is available for Gyarados, Milotic, Mantine, Pelliper Line, and Horsea/Seadra.

Honestly though, I think it’s easier to either bring your own Dragon Type anyways or settle for Nuetral damage. :P

Source, Source

Hope I helped!

The Dragon Claw TM can only be obtained after you beat Juan, as it requires Waterfall to be reached :/
True. Most of the other options require trading/breeding, someone else could trade you the TM if you were willing to do one of those similar options. :P