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For example: Chandelure was planned to have Shadow Tag as its HA in Black & White, but then was quickly changed to Infiltrator after realizing it would be way broken. The Empoleon line also changed from Defiant to Competitive in Gen 9. Are there any other cases of abilities being changed throughout development / the mainline games?

Gengar in Gen 7 and Shiftry in Gen 9 got ability changes. There are probably others, but those are two I can think of off the top of my head.
the legendary beasts got their HA's changed  in gen 6 IIRC
In BW, wild Basculin of both colors had Reckless, in B2W2, this was changed so that Blue Striped Basculin's first ability was Rock Head

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In chronological order:

In BW, wild Basculin of both colors mistakenly had Reckless, in B2W2, this was changed so that Blue Striped Basculin's first ability slot was Rock Head. However, a Blue Striped Basculin obtained from an in-game trade in White has Rock Head, making this the only case to my knowledge of a Pokemon being able to have four different abilities in the same game.

From Gen V to Gen VI, some Pokemon's Hidden Abilities were changed:

Zapdos: Lightning Rod --> Static
Venipede line: Quick Feet --> Speed Boost
Litwick line: Shadow Tag --> Infiltrator

From Gen VI to Gen VII, another group of Abilities were changed:

Gengar: Levitate --> Cursed Body
Raikou: Volt Absorb --> Inner Focus
Entei: Flash Fire --> Inner Focus
Suicune: Water Absorb --> Inner Focus

Several Hisuian Pokemon's abilities were changed from PLA to Gen IX, despite abilities not being usable in PLA:

H Typhlosion: Flash Fire --> Frisk
H Samurott: Shell Armor --> Sharpness
H Decidueye: Long Reach --> Scrappy
H Sliggoo line: Overcoat --> Shell Armor
H Sneasel: Poison Touch --> Pickpocket
H Growlithe line: Justified --> Rock Head
H Braviary: Defiant --> Tinted Lens
Kleavor: Steadfast --> Sharpness
Basculegion: Rattled --> Swift Swim
Enamorus: Healer --> Contrary

With the release of The Teal Mask DLC in SV, two more Pokemon have changed their abilities:

Shiftry line: Early Bird --> Wind Rider
Empoleon line: Defiant --> Competitive

An extensive list of Pokemon have gained new abilities from game to game; you can see that list here if you're interested.

Hope I could help!

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