PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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How far into the game are you?
He got Bax, so pretty far in
im at the 6th gym
I'd say Kingambit because Annihape is worse defensively, and King can kill Tulip's pokemon easier than Skel does(I did try to sweep with skel and failed even when it was lvl 60) although I need to see your team before my finale decision

2 Answers

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Best answer

It's much easier to get Annihilape because you can just click Rage Fist against low level Lechonk until Primeape evolves. By comparison, Pawniard evolves into Bisharp at Level 52 and needs to defeat uncommon Leader's Crest Bisharp to evolve into Kingambit. This makes Annihilape available earlier, though evolving it can be tedious.

Further, Annihilape is faster and has more HP than Kingambit. Though this is balanced by the latter's superior Defense and Attack, Annihilape's higher Speed and base 115 Attack allow it to OHKO many opponents without taking damage first.

The two have varied movepools and both get strong STAB moves via level up. I'm inclined to give Annihilape the edge because it gets more variety without TMs, but TMs aren't a necessity for either anyways.

Ultimately, Annihilape is better because it's available earlier and can outspeed more opponents. Kingambit is serviceable with higher Attack and a better typing, but it's inefficient to use a Pawniard for most of the game.

Ability: Vital Spirit
- Rage Fist (Level 35) / Shadow Claw (TM)
- Low Kick (Level 8) / Brick Break (TM)
- Assurance (Level 26)
- U-turn (TM) / Thrash (Level 30)

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Actually the lechonk thing doesn't work as lechonk is ghost immune spam it on bug type Pokemon or pawmi
Have you tried it?
You don't have to land the hit, you just have to use Rage Fist, so going against a Pokémon like Lechonk is even more ideal, as it wouldn't take any damage from the attack.
I didn't know that
0 votes

Just by my comparison I'd say Annihlape. I did use kingambit and he takes a long time to get. But annihlape you can get pretty early. King also has low speed stat (50). I think its bad to judge their def stats since Annihlape has more Hp and SpDef than King. King has higher attack tho but he also has (in my oppion) a badish moveset.

There is sucker punch
so? they might not always attack
True & I also realized its an egg move but it has a defensive typing, working well with Baxcaliber & Skelidirge but yeah only thing going for Kingambit