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First members of evolutionary lines only. No Partner Eevee/Pikachu.

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Like HP, Atk, etc? And this is for the final Evos?
Yeah, for every stat. Mb, forgot to mention only for the first members.

1 Answer

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I’m guessing by this you don’t mean Pikachu and Eevee. Tell me if you want me to include them and I’ll edit the answer.

Hp- Rowlet - 68
Atk- Scorbunny - 71
Def- Chikorita, Squirtle, Chespin - 65
SpAtk- Torchic, Sobble - 70
SpDef- Chikorita, Bulbasaur - 65
Spe- Froakie - 71

Source: Painfully going back and forth over the Starter entries.

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If you want to be semantically annoying, Espeon has 130 Special Attack and 110 Speed. Umbreon has 95 HP, 110 Defense, and 130 Special Defense. Both of these Pokemon are the starters in Pokemon Colosseum.
That leaves Scorbunny as the only main series game starter to lead in a stat category.
Rowlet? Really? That’s surprising. Who would have that cut little owl had the highest hp