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So I have a few teams on showdown and I want to delete two, and I uploaded both of them to the server, but whenever I delete the said two teams and go back to teambuilder, the two teams are back. The problem with this is that when I try to battle in my main format, the team that I use in the battle is one of the teams I want to delete, even if I select the team I want to use before I start the battle. Can someone please help me find a solution for this?

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Nevermind the issue is solved now
You can answer your own question so other people with the same question will find the answer.
I have just learned to get used to the fact that the two other teams will not go despite my best efforts.
so it's not solved?
Did you ask other people on showdown if they had similar problems?

1 Answer

3 votes
Best answer

There's actually a way to delete teams uploaded to the Server. This method assumes you tried deleting the teams in the teambuilder.

To prevent the PS! server-side team database from automatically syncing your uploaded teams to your teambuilder every time you login to your account on a new browser/device, type /teams into any chat, and click "Manage" -> "Delete team" for every team you don't want to keep synced to the database. Please keep in mind that deleting teams from the database in this fashion will permanently delete them from the database.

I used this method to delete outdated teams I had uploaded on the the Showdown server, and it deleted them without them showing up in the teambuilder again.

Source: typing/rfaq dupe in the Help Chatroom on Pokemon Showdown

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Thank you, just tried this and it works!
No problem!