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its my brothers question

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What game is it on?

1 Answer

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Transfer the Regigigas that you obtained from the 11th movie over to Platinum and have it on your team, then you have access to a special cave in Route 228. It's near the middle down by the slope.Here, you need to go up to the statue and step on all the dots on the floor. Then go up to the statue. Regirock will attack.

Same thing.Get the Regigigas that you obtained from the 11th movie over to Platinum and have it on your team.Then you have access to a special room in Mt. Coronet. Right by the exit to Route 216 there's an extra cave. Here, you need to go up to the statue and step on all the dots on the floor. Then go up to the statue. Regice will attack. It is Level 30

Again. Get the Regigigas that you obtained from the 11th movie over to Platinum and have it on your team. Go to Iron Island. Right by the exit there's an extra cave. Here, you need to go up to the statue and Registeel will attack. It is Level 30

Or just migrate The three Regis and go to snow point temple. After you reach the end, a statue of Regigigas is there. Talk to the Regigigas and have the three other regis and he will attack.

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I knew that but my bro didn't
but how to catch regigigas?
Bring all then Regis with you to the temple & then press the a button in front of regi gigas.