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I think Vileplume/Bellossom instead of Breloom would be better because it overlaps with the Fighting-type, but anyways.

What if you don't use any of them because you don't really need a grass Pokemon on your team?
I agree with sunwun, js get an electric type like manectric breloom doesn't really have any good grass moves besides giga drain and solar beam, he was good when I used him but not really all that reliable. Plus it has a 4x weakness to flying
If your Breloom wasn't reliable, you were using it wrong. It works great with bulk up, sky uppercut, return, and leech seed.
well I mean he was a great fighting type but was a very mid grass type. I didn't have any good movesets for ANY of my pokemon in emerald. That was most likely the problem. I somehow beat the elite 4 having only lv 40 pokemon

2 Answers

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Best answer

Both Blaziken and Breloom are great Pokemon by themselves, but using 2 fighting Pokemon on the same team isn't the best use of your experience.

Vileplume is usually a bit worse than those other 2 because of its lower attack stats and lack of coverage against poison or steel, but it's still pretty good because of sleep powder and solar beam. If you want to use it, be sure to catch your Oddish on Route 119 so it arrives at a higher level and you spend less experience raising it. The moveset should look something like this.

Vileplume @ miracle seed
Ability: chlorophyll
EVs: 100 Atk
- sludge bomb
- sleep powder
- sunny day
- solar beam

If you really want to cover both water and ground with the same Pokemon, one alternative is Starmie. Its wider movepool lets it also cover a bunch of other types.

Starmie @ mystic water
Ability: natural cure
EVs: 100 SpA
- surf
- psychic
- thunderbolt
- ice beam

If you don't really want to cover both water and ground with the same Pokemon, I recommend using Gardevoir over both Vileplume and Starmie. Gardevoir has higher special attack and learns calm mind.

Gardevoir @ shell bell
Ability: it doesn't really matter, neither are all that great.
EVs: 100 Spe
- psychic
- calm mind
- thunderbolt
- reflect

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Blaziken and Breloom both suffer from the Physical Special Split.
Fire and Grass BOTH fall under special attack

You can still utilize their high-attack but again it is how you see yourself using them.

On the other hand Vile/Bell both have good special stats but Vileplume has POISON which is physical AND is weak to psychic like the other two. Bellsom can be hurt easily by a lot but is slightly bulky. You can also use sunny day from bellosom to its AB and boost solar beam/fire moves

In the end use what you want and need both of them are easy level-ups while Gloom will need a stone and is a pretty harsh move pool to level up with.

Blaziken's special attack is 110, which is still significantly above average. The only issue here is that its fire attacks aren't boosted by bulk up. Breloom does have really low special attack, but it still works pretty great with sky uppercut and return.
Just because Bellossom's STAB moves are special doesn't mean they're good. Giga drain has low power and PP, and petal dance has just a bit more power and locks Bellossom for multiple turns. It doesn't learn any fire moves, unless you count hidden power.