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4 votes

Including critical hits, stat boosts, etc.


5 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

Bad news for damage seekers: Overflow is a thing, and if the numbers involved in setups get too big, they wrap around and only count as much lower numbers. All the Shuckle setups that get bandied around do in fact run into these limits, as do the Mimikyu Rollout-based setups which would otherwise be able to get even higher.

At the end of that video, I allude to a setup that would have topped out at 343,597,200 damage while respecting that loopback limit; I choreographed the battle on Showdown to demonstrate how it might play out.

However, from extensive tests in single-player mode I've been able to prove that a modifier gets applied at the end even if there are no multipliers (such as Life Orb or STAB) that fall under its purview. The effect of this modifier then forces that 343-million setup to roll over, and in fact anything greater than 1,048,575 65,535 damage will also roll over. A target that low is much less stringent on the number of ways you can hit it, so no particular construction stands out as "the" way, or "the best" way, to land on 65,535.

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I'm selecting this answer because I think it gives the most balanced perspective on this issue. It needs to be updated, though.
8 votes

Shuckle can deal the most damage. Over the OHKO. 481,266,036!

"A level 100 Shuckle can potentially deal the most damage in one single attack through the use of numerous stat boosters; by using Helping Hand by two different Pokémon in a Triple battle, holding a Metronome, Power Trick, a Skill Swap to Pure Power or Huge Power, 6 Attack boosts, and a Mimiced Me First used on a slower Pokémon using the Defense Curl/Rollout combo. Also, Shuckle's partner must have the ability Flower Gift and the weather must be sunny. On the 5th turn of using Rollout consecutively without any misses, if used against a level 1 Ledyba, Yanma or Combee with minimum Defense stats, that have been hit with negative Defense modifiers (such as Screech), it can deal 481,266,036 damage with a critical hit." -Bulbapedia

But if it's not over the OHKO, then it's 714, Blissey's highest HP.

*would deal ;)
uh, sorry for recommenting this, but if Huge Power is Skill Swapped, I believe it only gives a 1.5x modifier.
why do the two answers have different numbers?
This one's a bit outdated. The one down there is for X/Y and onward, whereas this one is for Generation V. If you look closely at it, you'll find that this one works on the Bug/Flying Pokemon mentioned, whereas the more recent one only works on Gible.
Metronome isn't affected by moves like roll out or ice ball
4 votes

a shuckle, in theory, can deal 721,899,685 damage.

"A level 100 Shuckle can potentially deal the most damage in one single attack through the use of numerous stat boosters; by receiving the effects of Helping Hand from two allies in a triple battle, holding a Metronome, Power Trick, a Skill Swap to Pure Power, a conversion to Ice, and 6 stages of positive Attack stat changes. Also, both of Shuckle's partners must have the Ability Flower Gift and the weather must be sunny. On the 5th turn of using a Defense Curl-boosted Ice Ball (learned via Mimic) consecutively without any misses, if used against a level 1 Gible with minimum Defense stats, that has 6 stages of negative Defense stat changes (such as from being subject to Screech 3 times), and being under the effect of Forest's Curse it can deal 721,899,685 damage with a critical hit." -Bulbapedia

It's actually a level 1 Noibat rather than a Gible. Noibat's base defence is 35 compared to Gible's 45.
but if you had a level 1 spoink with a defense of 35, you skill swap him  sturdy, and you teach him mirror coat, the damage could be over 1,443,799,370!
Level 1 noibat with forests curse with mirror coat and focus sash imo
If you have a Chansey use Copycat on such a pokemon as Gible or Noibat after being targetted by Reflect Type then the base defense becomes 5 instead of 35.
For you people who say mirror coat: 1. It would be counter, ice ball is a physical attack and 2. It just reflects the damage DONE, as going down to Sash or sturdy would mean a maximum of 713 damage was done, so the best damage that can be done with counter is 1426.
3 votes

714 damage. That's Blissey's Max HP.

No, I mean over the OHKO. Think of it as if every Pokemon has endless HP.
ohh... 213,896,052, i think
0 votes

You guys forgot something.
9,745,645,748 is the maximum damage that can be done in one attack.
A level 100 Impish natured Shuckle can potentially deal the most damage in one single attack through the use of numerous stat boosters; by receiving the effects of Helping Hand from two allies in a triple battle, holding a Metronome, then getting Skill Swapped Color Change and getting hit by hidden power ice, then getting a Skill Swap to Pure Power, using Power Trick, and having 6 stages of positive Attack stat changes. Also, both of Shuckle's partners must have the Ability Flower Gift and the weather must be sunny. On the 5th turn of using a Defense Curl-boosted Ice Ball (learned via Mimic) consecutively without any misses, if used against a level 1 Happiny with minimum Defense stats and a mild nature with 6 stages of negative Defense stat changes (such as from being subject to Screech 3 times), that has learned Reflect Type via Copycat Mimic and used it on a Garchomp and is under the effect of Forest's Curse, a Me First (also from Copycat Mimic) from Happiny would deal to Shuckle can deal 9,745,645,748 damage with a critical hit.

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Oh yeah, using the symbiosis glitch but with this same setup, the damage would be nearly 20 billion. Dear lord
Nope. Because the way stats are calculated, it doesn't matter if a level 1 mild nature pokémon without Defense IVs or EVs has 1 or 49 Base Defense. Its actual stat will be 4 anyways. And because you use modifiers to lower the Defense even more, any Pokémon with a base Defense of 199 or less will have 1 as the stat used in the damage calculation. So the method you describe will result in "only" 1,082,848,464 damage, 2,165,696,892 if the mentioned symbiosis glitch is used.