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4 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Mawile, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Mawile Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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23 Answers

5 votes

Mawile-Mega @ Mawilite
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Adamant/Brave Nature
- Swords Dance
- Iron Head
- ThunderPunch
- Ice Punch

With it's new ability and 105 base attack stat this thing will wreck utter havoc. I can especially see it going on a Trick Room team with a Brave Nature and 0 IVs. Swords Dance boosts it's already godlike attack stat into something that simply will not be countered. ThunderPunch and Ice Punch create the BoltBeam combo, while Iron Head rises in usage against those pesky Fairy types. Under TR it also has a nice chance to flinch.

I believe you add the Huge Power boost after EVs and Nature, if not let me know and I'll recalc it.

678 Attack without SDance boost.
1356 Attack with one SDance boost.

+2 252+ Atk Huge Power (custom) Iron Head vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Cresselia: 313-369 (70.49 - 83.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
I speak from experience when I say very little can do up to 80% damage on fully defensive Cress.

+2 252+ Atk Huge Power (custom) Ice Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Groudon: 350-414 (86.63 - 102.47%) -- 18.75% chance to OHKO
Same as above.

+2 252+ Atk Huge Power (custom) ThunderPunch vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Jellicent: 556-656 (137.96 - 162.77%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+2 252+ Atk Huge Power (custom) ThunderPunch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Forretress: 175-207 (49.43 - 58.47%) -- 68.75% chance to 2HKO
Cough set-up bait cough

+2 252+ Atk Huge Power (custom) ThunderPunch vs. 224 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 350-414 (107.03 - 126.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Damn Sturdy.

Thanks Once for calc ideas.

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Nice Set!
Thanx for calculations!
love the calculations!
you could use Play Rough if you want more powerful STAB, in exchange for coverage.
i agree with sscholer. switch thunder punch for play rough
3 votes

Brute Force Mawile
Ability: Sheer Force
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA) or Impish (+Def, -SpA)
EVs: 252 Atk, 252, Def, 4 SpD
Item: Life Orb
- Iron Head- STAB plus boost from Sheer Force
- Crunch- takes out ghosts and psychics and Sheer Force
- Swords Dance- boost your attack
- Ice Punch/Rock Slide- coverage, beats weaknesses, and Sheer Force

3 votes

National Dex

Mawile-Mega @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate --> Huge Power
EVs: 92 HP / 252 Atk / 164 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Play Rough
- Sucker Punch
- Taunt / Knock Off / Focus Punch
- Swords Dance

The EVs on this set allow Mawile to outspeed uninvested Skarmory while having some decent defensive utility. Play Rough is incredible STAB. Sucker Punch destroys faster offensive Pokemon such as Garchomp, especially after a Swords Dance boost. Taunt puts the enemy's defensive Pokemon in a precarious position where they either have to switch or have to use their offensive move (Scald Toxapex, U-turn Corviknight) which makes them Sucker Punch targets. Outside of that, it has uses such as stopping Skarmory from using Spikes, Roost, or Iron Defense, preventing Haze and Recover from Toxapex, and denying Leech Seed, Spikes, and Protect from Ferrothorn. Knock Off combines brutal power with great utility. Instead of risky predictions, just use Knock Off on that Toxapex or Heatran switching in and watch them both take a ton of damage or even just straight-up faint after Stealth Rocks. Focus Punch easily destroys each and every Steel type not named Aegislash on the switch. Swords Dance gives you a +2 Attack boost, letting you destroy pretty much every single Pokemon trying to switch in.

+2 252+ Atk Huge Power Mawile-Mega Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Heatran: 132-155 (34.1 - 40.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery (this is a 4X RESIST)

+2 252+ Atk Huge Power Mawile-Mega Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Toxapex: 148-174 (48.6 - 57.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

+2 252+ Atk Huge Power Mawile-Mega Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 80 Def Ferrothorn: 206-243 (58.5 - 69%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

+2 252+ Atk Huge Power Mawile-Mega Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Garchomp: 300-353 (84 - 98.8%) -- 75% chance to OHKO after 1 layer of Spikes

+2 252+ Atk Huge Power Mawile-Mega Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 226-267 (67.6 - 79.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

2 votes

Jack, you suck. (jk ily)

Mawile @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 132 HP / 252 Atk / 124 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Play Rough/Iron Head
- Sucker Punch
- Swords Dance
- Fire Fang

You can have either Play Rough or Iron Head, it depends on what your team needs.
I find Fire Fang alot more helpful than Ice Punch and Thunder Punch.
Sucker Punch is a must on any Mawile.
Swords Dance on the switch, and it's good game.

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We all needed to know this so bad lol
Sarcasm? ;]
Iron Head, Sucker Punch, Swords Dance and Play Rough, since i think both Play Rough and Iron Head is STAB and I don't really need Fire Fang since i think that coverage for dragon types are more used often. Is it okay?
1 vote

Mawile @ Life Orb
enter image description here
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 40 HP / 252 Atk / 216 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Iron Head
- Sucker Punch
- Ice Punch / Thunder Punch

yes, I'm running speed on le'thing. why can't just people understand how important that is? mawile is a steel type, but it doesn't have the bulk to help it, so you might just as well invest in speed to outspeed some things instead of just relying on sucker punch, which is weak as hell. 216 speed is to outspeed max speed custap golem. not really much more important after that, but most people like jolly and 252 speed to outspeed as much as possible. the rest of the set is pretty self-ecsplained. Sheer Force and Life Orb boosts all of mawiles attacks with 1.6( Sheer Force prevents Life Orb damage if the move activates Sheer Force) barring Sucker Punch , which is pretty deadly with a SD and STAB Iron Head. hazard is really needed for the OHKO's, so golurk is a great partner for mawile as they provides great synergy + lurk has SR.

I suppose this is for Gen 5 NU?
Ye, of course
1 vote

Mawile (F) @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate/Hyper Cutter
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Iron Head
- Play Rough
- Knock Off/Crunch/Sucker Punch
- Swords Dance/Protect

The Kingambit before Kingambit.

I can see this set being really successful on Trick Room teams. Iron Head and Play Rough are STAB obviously. The third slot depends on whether you want disruption, consistent damage, or strong priority. However, SP should almost always be used outside of Trick Room. I chose all dark moves for the third slot because the combination of Fairy/Steel/Dark hits everything in the game at least neutrally. You can choose between SD or Protect depending on if you want setup or more utilization in doubles. Intimidate is used to get an attack drop on your opponent before mega, allowing for easier setup with SD, and Hyper Cutter can prevent yourself from being hit by intimidates before mega. But Intimidate is more consistent and you'll get more results from it.

And the tera type doesn't matter.

0 votes

Physical Tank

Item: Leftovers
Ability: Sheer-force
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 Attack, 58 Hp, 200 Def


This guy is for Tanking against Physical Pokemon only. Iron-defense gives you about a 500 Defense Stat which is awesome. Sucker-punch is useful priority that could save you are be last minute damage before another Pokemon takes you down. Iron-head has 104 BP with Sheer force and 156 with STAB so this move is very strong. Thunder-fang covers the many water and flying types in NU and also gets boosted by Sheer force to about 84.5 Base power. There are only 3 Steel types in NU and I would have to say that Mawile is below Aggron obviously but I think it is better than Probopass because it has no 4x weaknesses.

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Pardon? Fire fang against water? I think not. You've made a mistake.
I said Thunder-fang.
Your defense will not be 500 after one iron defense. Your first Iron defense approximately doubles your defense. Your Mawile would have to have a 250 defense which is totally impossible.
0 votes


Item: Choice-scarf
Ability: Sheer-force
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 Hp


Iron-head is STAB. Sucker-punch is for those who still out-speed you. Rock-slide is coverage. Ice-fang is more coverage(I would do fire-fang but all the steel types in NU aside from Mawile are part rock type).

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2 evs are extra lmao. Most people don't put them
0 votes

Mawile (M) @ Leftovers

Role: Forced Switch / Tank

Trait: Intimidate

EVs: 240 HP / 28 Atk / 240 SDef

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

  • Swords Dance
  • Sucker Punch
  • Pain Split
  • Stone Edge

Rockin the 0 STAB moves.
Intimidate can force a switch on most physical threats, while you can set up Swords Dance, Sucker Punch is high powered priority, lets him hit first.
Stone Edge can be switched for Iron Head, but I'd rather have protection from Stone Edge's Coverage. Pain Split can gain back Hp, and do some serious damage if your opponent switched out when you're around 25% Hp left.

0 votes

Mawile (M) @ Leftovers/Life Orb

Trait: Sheer Force

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpA)

  • Swords Dance
  • Iron Head
  • Sucker Punch
  • Ice Punch/Baton Pass

Swords Dance boosts attack to nice levels.
Iron Head is STAB and boosted by Sheer Force.
Sucker Punch is good priority.
Ice Punch is boosted by Sheer Force as well and gives some further coverage.
Baton Pass can be used though to help out a teammate.

0 votes

Mega Mawile @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate / Huge Power
EVs: 252 attack, 252 HP, 4 sp. attack
Nature: Adamant
- Swords Dance
- Iron Head
- Play Rough
- Sucker Punch / Brick Break

The thing about Mega Mawile is that it has just so many defensive resistances from its steel typing, and is so offensively powerful from its fairy type. Also, it has 2 types that don't effect it at all (dragon and poison), so it's an easy switch in on many Pokemon. Remember to give the original Mawile the ability Intimidate so that when it can be switched in even more easily.

Swords Dance as the opponent's Pokemon switches out because of the common lack of super effective or even neutral moves. Iron Head and Play Rough are the two main stabs, though keep in mind both of them are not very effective against steel and fire. Sadly, Mawile cannot learn Earthquake, but fire types are generally not very bulky, so a super effective move is not always necessary to take them out; Sucker Punch would be the best move to take them on, with priority over generally fast fire types. If steel types are the biggest problem, Brick Break is generally the only option, though setting up on steel types is generally easy for Mega Mawile, as most of them can't hit this Pokemon hard enough to knock it out.

Poor Dragalge, Mawile nulls both of its STAB moves.
0 votes

Mawile (M) @ Mawilite
Adamant (+Atk, -Sp. Atk)
252 Atk/252 HP/6 Spd
•Swords Dance
•Iron Head
•Play Rough
•Stone Edge

I was thinking Mawile could be some Fighting-type coverage (besides maybe Skarmory) on a Sandstorm team. Swords Dance will give you the highest Attack in the game, with Speed being your only hindrance, but its defenses and HP improvement through EVs should be enough to handle it. HP EVs because I want it to be able to take a Special Fire move. Wish it had Earthquake, but Stone Edge is fine for Fire coverage. Blaziken, my worst Fire fear, is hit by Play Rough anyway. Iron Head is STAB and flinching chance. Intimidate will help your defenses even more prior to Mega Evolution. Really hoping this set works out on the Sandstorm team I'm building!

ew not Stone Edge, Sucker Punch.
0 votes

you know, ive been thinking, since huge power already gives it extreme power, why waste so many EV's in atk? here try this set and I tried it, and it works amazingly:
Mawile (M) @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 52 Atk / 4 Def / 180 SDef / 20 Spd
Careful Nature
- Protect
- Play Rough
- Iron Head
- Sucker Punch
max HP for obvious reasons,180 spec.def and careful combo make it so it can take a CHOICE SPECED fire blast from salamence, and a HEAT WAVE from megazard y as long as its not in sun:) 52 attack to still OHKO common threats( like tyranitar, garchomp, etc...)and 20 speed to outspeed common mawiles (adamant 252/252/4 sets) moveset it pretty basic and keep in mind this is a VGC set, so it NEEDS protect:)
Moveset created by Ray Rizzo:)

0 votes

Mega Mawile
Mawile @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate --> Huge Power
EVs: 248 Atk / 252 HP / 8 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Play Rough
- Ice Fang
- Iron Head
- Stone Edge
I think this is good
With Intimidate as its ability, it can lower the foes attack on switch in, then mega evolve to get
Huge power on the next turn. Play Rough and Iron Head for STAB, Ice Fang for Ground coverage, and Stone Edge for Fire Coverage.

0 votes

This set is so powerful it can OHKO Chansey

Mawile @Mawilite
Trait: Intimidate --> Huge Power
Adamant Nature
EVs: 252 Hp, 252 Atk, 4 SpD
-Focus Punch
-Swords Dance/Iron Head/Ice Punch
-Sucker Punch

Well first when you mega evolve use Substitute obviously, and if you think your opponent will switch then use Swords Dance, if not go straight for Focus Punch. Sucker Punch is there to take about Ghost types, swords dance is to boost Attack, iron head is STAB and Ice Punch is coverage

>252+ Atk Huge Power Mega Mawile Focus Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 816-962 (115.9 - 136.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO


0 votes

Well, I have discovered a decent moveset for Mawile/Mega Mawile.
Ability: -Hyper Cutter
Nature: Adamant/Lonely
EVs:-Attack and Speed
Item: Mawilite/Muscle Band
Rough Play- one of the only physical fairy type moves. Good w/ Muscle Band.
Iron Head- once again, another good physical move to counter other fairy types.
Crunch: - good physical type move
Protect/Swords Dance: -well you can either raise your attack or protect yourself for one turn. Your choice.
It's new type change,from being a Steel type to a Fairy/Steel type gives it a much better advantage over dragon, fighting, and dark types. When I first saw this in X/Y I was so exited. Well if you have suggestions or would like to comment, please do by all means necessary. Have fun. :P

0 votes

Mawile-Mega (F) @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Stockpile - For boosting defense
- Swallow - To keep mawile at high health with stockpile
- Baton Pass - For the support part, passing the defense boosts to another Pokemon to sweep
- Iron Head/play rough - Just so that it can do damage to things

Tanky support mega mawile, not much more to say

0 votes

Sheer Force
Focus Sash

Brave (+Att, -Spd)
252 HP/252 Att.

Iron Head (STAB, powered up by SF)
Play Rough (STAB, powered up by SF)
Ice Punch (Coverage, powered up by SF)
Metal Burst (coupled with FS for possible OHKO)

I recommend max HP but low IV defenses, along with Focus Sash, in order to have the best chance at dealing the most damage with Metal Burst.

0 votes

insane sweeper:

Trait: Intimidate (for lower attack before mega evolving) --- Huge Power (one of the best abilities)

4HP, 252 Atk, 252 Def
Impish Nature


Swords Dance (raises mawile's attack to 2x, which counts as 4x due to huge power. this will bring mawile's attack to more than 1,2 THOUSAND, nd then you can just sweep your opponents).

Play Rough (STAB fairy type move with 90 base power, and 90 accuracy. it is like a must for mawile because a stab move with huge power... yeah).

Iron Head (another STAB move with 80 power, and 100 accuracy. just sweep. no more need to say anything).

Ice Punch/Sucker Punch (i'll go with ice punch for coverage to ground tpyes, but you can also go with sucker punch for priority. don't use ice fang. it has lower power, lower accuracy, and mawile is slow ((the main reason why you was gonna use sucker punch)), so the flinch chance is nothing).

i would be going for the moveset without sucker punch, because mawile is bulky and don't really need to attack first.

0 votes

Mega-Mawile @ Mawilite
Ability: Huge Power
Adamant Nature
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Def / 4 HP
-Play Rough [STAB]
-Iron Head [STAB]
-Swords Dance [If you wanna sweep.]
-Sucker Punch [its slow lol]
