Most Weaknesses: Grass-Psychic(Celebi, Exeggcute, Exeggutor) and Grass-Ice(Snover, Abomasnow) 7 Types super effective(Note both have a 4x weakness)
Most resistances: Steel-electric(Magnezone family) 13 Resistances and an immunity
Most Neutral coverage: Ice-Electric(Rotom-F), Fire-Dragon(Reshiram), Water-Normal(Bibarel), Fighting-Fire(Infernape, Monferno, Blazekin, Combusken, Emboar, Pignite), Dragon-Ground(Garchomp family, Flygon), Normal-flying(Lots)
Least Neutral coverage: Dark-Ghost(Spiritomb, Sableye), Poison-Steel(None)
I hope this helps :)
Note(If I missed anything please comment)