This is one that could be used on a Sand Abuse team, it can either Stall, or it can be utility:

Solrock @ Light Clay / Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 80 HP / 252 Def / 176 SpD
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock / Pain Split
- Light Screen / Cosmic Power
- Reflect / Will-O-Wisp
This thing can actually be useful with Sandstorm's SpDef adds for Rock types. For the first set, we have Dual screens (Light Screen + Reflect) to help your team combined with Stealth Rocks for entry hazards, or Pain Split if your lead has Stealth Rocks. Earthquake is used for its large coverage. Pretty simple set, obviously this one uses Light Clay.
The second, separated by the slashes, is a stall role. Earthquake remains, it's physical, high coverage, blah blah. Pain Split takes the place of Rocks for recovery and adds residual damage. Cosmic Power raises both defenses making this guy hard to take down. While Will-o-Wisp adds more residual damage, hits Skarmory, and lowers the opponent's attack stat. With the combination of Sandstorm's SpDef adds, Cosmic Power, burns, and Pain Split keeping it healthy, this guy can stick around a long time and be a major thorn in an opponent's side. This set prefers Leftovers, as it has no screens.
The EVs are the same for both sets, it increases bulk and staying power. Levitate is its only ability, and one of the best in the game, anything that turns weakness into immunity is awesome. I prefer the second set, I am terrible with timing dual screens, and my Hippowdon uses Stealth Rocks, so I like a good staller on my team.