PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
5 votes

Okay, I'm making a new team and I need a list of: The top 10 fastest pokemon, but non of them can be legendaries.

And then I need another list of the top ten pokemon with the best attack stat (No legendaries, still).

And then another list of the top 10 fastest and best attack-stat pokemon.

P.S. They all need a good movepool, and I'm too lazy to check all 649 pages. XD
But yes, all help would be great and I'm sorry if this question was already asked.

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Ninjask is a sure pick for you right?

2 Answers

9 votes
Best answer

This question was posted in 2012 and is two generations out of date. Please see this page for lists of the best Pokemon in individual stats, and also this page which includes a list for the best Pokemon in Attack and Speed combined.

Best Attack

  1. Rampardos: 160 attack
  2. Slaking: 160 attack
  3. Haxorus: 147 attack
  4. Rhyperior: 140 attack
  5. Darmanitan: 140 attack
  6. Conkeldurr: 140 attack
  7. Archeops: 140 attack
  8. Metagross: 135 attack
  9. Excadrill: 135 attack
  10. Gigalith: 135 attack
  11. Salamence: 135 attack (equal to above)
  12. Escavalier: 135 attack (equal to above)

Best Speed

  1. Ninjask: 160 speed
  2. Accelgor: 140 speed
  3. Electrode: 140 speed
  4. Aerodactyl: 130 speed
  5. Crobat: 130 speed
  6. Jolteon: 130 speed
  7. Weavile: 125 speed
  8. Swellow: 125 speed
  9. Sceptile: 120 speed
  10. Alakazam: 120 speed
  11. Dugtrio: 120 speed (equal to above)

Best Attack + Speed (totals)

  1. Slaking: 160 + 100 = 260
  2. Archeops: 140 + 110 = 250
  3. Ninjask: 90 + 160 = 250
  4. Weavile: 120 + 125 = 245
  5. Haxorus: 147 + 90 = 244
  6. Aerodactyl: 105 + 130 = 235
  7. Salamence: 135 + 100 = 235
  8. Darmanitan: 140 + 95 = 235
  9. Garchomp: 130 + 102 = 232
  10. Mienshao: 125 + 105 = 230
edited by
This is such a great list! Thanks you soooo much!!!
I corrected and re-formatted the list :)
Ehem you made a mistake, Talonflame should be number 7 because its speed is 126.
Ehem you made a mistake too, because this question is from 2012.
But I will add a notice to it and link to a page that will always be up to date.
5 votes

Here is the list of the Top 100 Fastest Pokemon in Gen V. Though you decide which have good Movepools since we all have different opinions.

And Here is the list of the Top 100 Pokemon with the highest Attack stat. Again, you decide what you want from the list.
