PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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4 Answers

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Best answer

No. You can only access it after you beat Hearthome's gym leader, Fantina, and Pastoria's gym leader, Crasher Wake. After you have defeated them, you can access route 212. You will find the Trophy Garden in route 212, but it isn't really that special until you get the National dex, aside from getting Pichu and Pikachu. Tell me if I helped!

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This is wrong. I've been to Route 212 before beating Maylene.
0 votes

Route 212 (Japanese: 212ばんどうろ Route 212) is a route in south-central Sinnoh, connecting Hearthome City and Pastoria City. This route features Sinnoh's Pokémon Mansion. In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, the north gate, connecting with Hearthome City, is blocked off by a reporter and cameraman until the player visits Solaceon Town. In Pokémon Platinum, the pair will continue to block the path until Maylene is defeated.

You need four Gym badges to get them to move out of the way. Fantina is the third, and Maylene is the fourth. Once you beat her your next destination is Pastoria City. You can either go south from Veilstone City, or go back to Hearthome and go the long way. The reporters will be gone.

When I defeated Maylene The Reporters were still there. HELP NEEDED
I'm posting a new answer that should help.
0 votes

In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, the north gate, connecting with Hearthome City, is blocked off by a reporter and cameraman until the player visits Solaceon Town. In Pokémon Platinum, the pair will continue to block it off until the player visits Pastoria City.


–1 vote

Yep. South of Hearthome. Hope I helped :)
